Networking Events and Live Training
Networking Events and Live Training
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"I have three buildings which were financed by Masslandlords members I met at events. They are all holding first position mortgages with great rates and a small down payment. The connections I have made over the years have literally been priceless."
Russell Sabadosa, East Longmeadow
On the value of events: "The cheapest way to learn is from someone else's mistakes."
Jane Gasek, Worcester
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All Training Repertoire Alphabetically by Topic
Videos Are Marked with
Recorded content is marked with . See below! We started recording topics in fall 2024. Otherwise most of the training listed is scheduled live time permitting.
- 1031 Exchanges
- ADUs: What is an Accessory Dwelling Unit and Where Can We Build Them?
- Annual Business Meeting
- Asset Strategy and Reallocation
- Building Code: A Guide to Legal Uses of Real Estate
- Buying Or Selling Occupied Property
- Cameras and Audio Recording Chat
- Cash for Keys, An Alternative to Eviction
- Certification Overview and the Certified Massachusetts Landlord™ Level Two Test™
- Commercial Loans 101
- Common Traps For The Unwary Landlord
- Communicating with Stressed-out, Difficult Tenant Behaviors
- Community Mediation to Solve Problems without Court
- Criminal Process as It Relates to Landlord–Tenant Law
- Deleading Overview
- Discrimination and Fair Housing Training: How to Offer Equal Housing Opportunity
- Domestic Violence: How to Support Renters Who Become Victims
- Dues Increase: Last Chance for Grandfathered Pricing
- Early Warning System for Hearings, Bills and Ordinances
- Electronic Signatures
- Estate Planning
- Eviction Process
- Eviction Data
- Eviction Sealing
- Flood Risk Monitoring and Mitigation, Even Far Inland
- Free Rent Trick
- Get to know the Amazing Boston Housing Authority and its Genuine Customer Focus
- Good Landlording Hygiene: Take Your Real Estate from Stinky to Squeaky Clean
- Heat Pump vs. Furnace or Boiler Tutorial
- Housing Court Updates
- How to Apply for RAFT
- How to Screen Tenants Fairly with Eviction Search
- How to Screen Tenants Using an Applicant Qualifier
- How to Take a Security Deposit
- Insurance Overview for Rental Properties
- Investing - Hard Money Lending
- Jeopardy
- Laws by Chapter And Verse
- Lead and Healthy Homes Resources and Grants
- Legally Pay the Minimum in Taxes
- Maintenance Hacks
- Making Communication Work with Tenants, Contractors, and Everyone Else
- Mass Save Program: Huge Energy Rebates and Incentives
- Massachusetts Crash Course in Landlording and Rental Real Estate
- Masslandlords Overview
- Membership Benefits Quick Start Guide
- Message boards How-to Including Facebook Group
- Monthly Dues And Bylaws Maintenance
- Offset Rental Expense with Electricity Demand Response in Summer
- Paint and Painting for Landlords of All Sizes
- Policy Forum
- Policy Update In-Depth: Legislative, Judicial and Executive Advocacy
- Powers of Attorney to Help Elders or Secure Your Legacy
- Preparing Notices to Quit
- Protect your Assets with an LLC, Inc. or Trust
- Qualified Opportunity Zones
- Ranked Choice Voting
- Rent Collection
- Rent Control: Theory, History and Unintended Consequences
- Rent Control And Rent Stabilization Lived Experience
- RentControlHistory.Com
- Rental Applications
- Rental Forms Overview
- Rental Real Estate Due Diligence
- Rooming Houses And Renting By The Room
- Sanitary Code
- Save On Water
- Section 8 Tutorial
- Section 8 Loss of Voucher and Appeal
- Security Deposits, Last Month’s Rent and Move-in Monies
- Smart Building Technology for 50-units and Up
- Solar Monetization for Rentals
- Subsidy Alphabet Soup
- Supercharge the Deleading Credit and End Poisoning Forever
- Surety Bonds
- Tax Escalation Clauses
- Tax Liens
- Taxes: Trump Taxes
- Tech to Comply with MA Law
- The Tenancy Preservation Program
- Tenant Screening: Criminal In Depth
- Tenant Screening And Rental Applications
- Tenant Screening Overview
- Tenant Screening Workshop
- Top Ten Tips For New Massachusetts Real Estate Investors
- Top Ten Ways To Lose Your Eviction Case
- Using Lines of Credit to Become a Cash Buyer
- Veteran Programs And Services
- Washer Water Woes
- Water Heaters: Heat Pump Technology Introduction
- Water Submetering How To
- Ways to Make More Money with Existing Properties
- Weather Preparedness
- What If I Can’t Afford Membership Dues?
- Worcester Now | Next, Rental Registry and the Certified Massachusetts Landlord
- Zero Emissions Retrofit Opportunities and Roadblocks
Videos and All Training by Last Updated
How to screen a tenant in Massachusetts. Use the MassLandlords rental application to know more and protect yourself and your business.
This members-only discussion will review an opportunity to dramatically increase the state deleading credit. Massachusetts has the opportunity to reach functional zero lead poisoning. The upcoming 193rd legislative session may accomplish this. We’ll review the situation and the opportunities: Lead poisonings increased 20% during the pandemic. Despite 50 years of…
Do you have a Written Information Security Program? Are you compliant with MGL Chapter 93H and 201 CMR 17? Find out how you can prevent identify theft both for yourself and for your tenants, comply with the law, and make life easier for your company in a digital age. We…
This presentation reviews the state of the art in multifamily retrofits. The goal is to eliminate emissions, thereby eliminating climate policy risk. What if natural gas became 10 times more expensive? What if gas stoves no longer complied with the state sanitary code? Better to address these issues preemptively. We…
This presentation reviews recent changes in Worcester and how owners and property managers can stay current. In particular, we cover: The proposed five-year plan for the City of Worcester, being developed as part of Now | Next. The Certified Massachusetts Landlord™, a MassLandlords program that could be incorporated into Now…
When you can’t buy a new property, is your income maxed out? Maybe not. For “Ways to Make More Money with Existing Properties,”, we be present the best tips and tricks we’ve learned from talking with hundreds of landlords over the years for offering a higher level of service and…
This presentation introduces you to heat pump water heaters, a mature technology making big inroads in the Massachusetts rental market. We teach: How heat pumps can take $1 of electricity to make $4 of hot water. Comparison of install cost vs gas or electric. Are there any cold climate considerations?…
Veteran status is protected from discrimination. This means housing providers must understand veteran services and subsidies, or else risk making bad decisions based on stereotypes. Many veterans are thriving and some take advantage of social services, participation in which landlords cannot refuse. This presentation explains: Difference between veteran status and…
This presentation is a broad-ranging discussion of landlord-tenant law, motivated by a short initial presentation on the top ten ways to lose your eviction case, including COVID-19 related changes impacting landlord/tenant cases: Improper notices Conditions counterclaims The number one way to lose may surprise you and much more Attendees will…
Tenant screening skills are increasingly more important. If you cannot screen adequately, you may be better off leaving your units vacant. We discuss increasing pass/fail thresholds on written applicant qualifiers, and using such qualifiers before you list a unit to evaluate whether to list at all. We then explain how…
This presentation focuses on foundational skills in tenant screening and rental applications. We cover: A refresher on the protected classes and avoiding discrimination, including new discrimination based on hair. Creating your own rental application, or using MassLandlords’. Evaluating information presented on an application, including avoiding the latest scams. Checking housing…
This presentation gives attendees a comprehensive overview of the Tenancy Preservation Program (TPP). TPP helps landlords who otherwise would have to evict a renter for behavioral challenges. We cover: TPP-eligible conditions that can destabilize a tenancy: Hoarding Dementia Long Covid Hearing impairment Domestic violence and more How to access TPP…
Those who plan ahead save on their taxes. Can you qualify for the real estate professional exemption? Is your current legal entity or lack thereof the best you can do? Most importantly, how can you legally pay the least in taxes? We discuss depreciation, segregation studies, and recapture so that…
Slides, Past Video and Training Material Event resources are available only for members in good standing who are logged in. The Biggest Tax Changes in 40 Years with Steve Thebodo The Biggest Tax Changes in 40 Years with Steve Thebodo Speaker(s): Steve Thebodo – Steve Moderator: Rich Merlino…
Leases have the advantage of providing long-term stability for you and your renter. But sudden real estate tax increases can destroy a carefully calculated rent and turn a lease upside down, eliminating the net income you were banking on. Is there anything you can do? Learn about tax escalation clauses,…
Slides, Past Video and Training Material Webinar: Oppose Rent Cancellation and Hear Our Alternative: A Fair and Equal Housing Guarantee via Surety Bonds, First Bill Text Released Questions from the Surety Bond Webinar Recorded July 8 What does it mean to be impacted by COVID-19? If a tenant’s…
This presentation discusses how to monetize solar on rentals, especially where the payback seems negligible because renters pay for utilities. Yes, there are many restrictions that make this process not straightforward. But no, this doesn’t mean rentals can’t succeed with solar. Given the environmental benefits, the regulatory incentive structure, and…
Technology can save time, reduce risk, and earn higher rents by shutting off the water, giving renters keyless entry, and keeping vandals away all without us having to be there. Why would you ever attempt to manage so much property without remote control? See what easy and cost effective steps…
Security deposits are one of the primary liabilities for Massachusetts landlords. If you make a paperwork mistake, you might owe your renter three times the amount of the deposit plus attorney’s fees. And what a lot of paperwork there is! First receipt, second receipt, annual receipt, conditions statement, withholding receipt,…
Most rental voucher programs require loss of a tenant’s voucher when that tenant seriously violates the terms of his or her tenancy, yet this isn’t necessarily what happens in real life. Conversely, tenants sometimes lose their vouchers for reasons that might not be considered sufficient cause for eviction. Why is…
The state sanitary code defines what every apartment in Massachusetts must do and be. Unlike the building code, which is usually inspected only at time of permit completion, the state sanitary code applies in all rentals all the time, and can be inspected at any time. Did you know it…
This presentation reviews the difference between a roommate and a lodger. You need a license for one but not the other. We contrast both with normal tenancies and with special situations. We explain: Separate vs. joint-and-several rental agreements. Sanitary code requirements with shared kitchens and bathrooms. What makes a lodging…
Slides, Past Video and Training Material Event resources are available only for members in good standing who are logged in. This is part of our Statewide Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.
This presentation shares the lived experience of one landlord who went through the rent control years and kept detailed records of what it was like. We will learn about: What it was like to attend a rent control hearing, How rent control and its repeal changed Cambridge, Which lessons the…
This policy presentation examines the theory behind rent control, the history of rent control in Massachusetts, and the reasons why we shouldn’t have rent control in Massachusetts (or indeed anywhere in the U.S.). We study: Legitimate motivations to correct injustice in modern housing markets. Current and past bill text proposed…
There are dozens of services to collect rent in US Dollars online, including Venmo, PayPal, (formerly Cozy), ZRent, and RentHelper. Or should you use Bitcoin? This presentation explores these options and more. We start by reviewing the pros and cons of digital rent collection. For instance, digital rent collection…
Ranked Choice Voting was on the Massachusetts ballot in 2020 and may be again. This presentation reviews the full text of the 2020 ballot question, what ranked choice voting would mean for Massachusetts, and what both supporters and detractors say about it. We will then review several past elections and…
This presentation reviews the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) “Owner Door”. Since late fall 2020, owners have been able to apply for RAFT on behalf of our renters. Get up to $7,000 for eligible renters to pay rent. We start with a review of how the RAFT program…
This presentation reviews powers of attorney in-depth. What would happen if you or a loved one were to lose the ability to run the rental business? A power of attorney may be needed at any stage of life, but typically these are end-of-life or estate planning tools. Attendees will learn:…
This presentation provides an overview of MassLandlords policy priorities, as set by the membership and implemented by staff. We will cover: Latest results from the ongoing policy priorities survey. Bills MassLandlords has filed or supports. Bills MassLandlords is tracking in opposition. Litigation against the Department of Housing and Community Development…
This presentation will be focused on housing policy, with particular emphasis on the housing provider perspective. This recorded event is a condensed version of what used to be the half-day on-site held at the Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center, near the geographic center of Massachusetts. We will start with a…
This presentation will cover paint and painting for landlords, owners and property managers of all sizes. Whether you are DIY or overseeing a team of six, we’ll make sure you learn something useful: Color management across all your units, vendors and service providers Cutting in with a brush (no more…
The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 granted states the power to define Qualified Opportunity Zones, which offer tax-deferred or tax-free investment opportunities to landlords and businesses alike. Massachusetts created opportunity zones everywhere! We review the opportunity zone process, show areas in your neck of the woods that will…
This presentation reviews notices to quit, possibly the number one source of errors when attempting to access rental assistance or summary process (eviction). Attendees will learn about: The CARES Act and how it remains in effect for “federally covered” buildings 7-day notices 14-day notices 30-day notices 90-day notices and other…
MassLandlords has been running well! But it has been seven years since the bylaws were last updated, and we need to do some maintenance. At this meeting members will have a chance to review nine changes proposed to the MassLandlords bylaws. The complete list of proposed changes is: Offer an…
This members-only presentation reviews our message boards and Facebook group. If you want to understand more about how these work or start using them, this presentation is for you! We cover: The MassLandlords email message boards. The Facebook group. How the Facebook group is different from the Facebook page. How…
This presentation gives a broad overview of all MassLandlords membership benefits. We show you how to access benefits and explain some of the options available under each. As of this presentation, we have over 14 benefits. We cover: Rental forms Home Depot savings Service provider directory Entity formation savings Rent…
This presentation teaches fair use of, the public record of summary process (aka eviction) and housing-related small claims lawsuits in Massachusetts. Landlords can and should use this information to help score rental applications, screen tenants, and ensure that every resident will follow the rules and contribute to a happy…
During this presentation we pull up the Mass Save website and walk through what’s available. You will learn: How to save substantially (sometimes 100%) on whole-building insulation. How heat pump water heaters are now eligible for rebates even if you replace gas. What options there are for heat pumps. And…
This presentation shares the various resources and grants available to delead your apartments and make other healthy home improvements. These programs are state and federally funded, and are administered locally by Massachusetts municipalities. This presentation is relevant for owners in most towns and cities. The basic program requirements are more…
Coming soon! Slides, Past Video and Training Material Avoiding the Free Rent Trick [Start 0:00:00] Doug: Our last topic tonight is, How Not to get scammed by the Free Rent Trick. It will be 8 minutes and then you will have lots of time to talk to folks and…
At this event we will get an update from the Housing Court on all matters related to summary process (evictions) and small claims. In particular: Meet Housing Court staff and learn their roles. Review the latest Housing Court standing orders. Hear how the Housing Court will adapt to the latest…
This tutorial shows you how to use the MassLandlords heat pump vs. furnace or boiler calculator. Knowledge of Excel is recommended but not required. The heat pump vs. furnace or boiler calculator helps you find the best way to heat your buildings. We cover: How to model your apartment, including…
Although the sexy-scary term we all know is “hard money lending,” this presentation covers the whole spectrum of lending options available to real estate investors and related businesses, including leasing, sale/leasebacks, revolving lines of credit, purchase order financing, factoring, and finally, private placements (aka hard money loans). We discuss what…
This presentation helps you manage your rental income stream as a business at any size. It is not a legal compliance review. Instead, we focus on business tools and processes. Full- and part-time landlords will find a variety of productivity tips and tricks: How can I guarantee new knowledge always…
This presentation offers an overview of how flood water gets into buildings and what buy-and-hold investors should do about it. We focus on the impact climate change is having on the general trend of rainfall and flooding. Previously dry buildings may become moist, wet or flooded over time. We teach…
This webinar provides an in-depth answer to the question, “What can you tell me about evictions during the pandemic?” The focus will be on Massachusetts eviction records, which are public. MassLandlords staff have been studying evictions since 2015. We now publish weekly eviction data reports. We discuss: What’s the difference…
This presentation goes in-depth on inheritance and estate planning issues. We cover the topic from the perspective of owners looking to have a plan for your own affairs as well as children looking to help their parents chart a course. Particular focus on estate planning for real estate owners. This…
MassLandlords has developed an “early warning system” for bills, ordinances, and hearings. This system can alert members and staff to housing-related issues so we can provide timely testimony at hearings. We need your help to make the system work! This training reviews Massachusetts housing policy and give a demonstration of…
This presentation advises landlords on how to support victims of domestic violence (both current and prospective renters). According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, more than 10 million men and women are physically abused by their intimate partner each year in the U.S. We cover this subject in-depth with…
This presentation offers a comprehensive overview of federal and state protected classes. We’re fortunate to live in a country and a state where we cannot be denied housing because of our belonging to a protected class. But as rental housing operators, we do have to deny applications. We review: The…
This presentation gives landlords a basic overview of criminal process as it relates to landlord tenant law. We cover at a very high level: Types of crimes we might be concerned with including domestic violence, assault, larceny, or illegal use or possession firearms and drugs. Rights that you have as…
This presentation discusses community mediation, a free alternative to other conflict resolution strategies including court. This presentation covers: How mediation leaves you in control of the outcome. The differences between community mediation, alternative dispute resolution, and court. What to expect from a mediation. Why go to mediation early, when problems…
This video focuses on self-management, communication and conflict-resolution skills. We particularly focus on high-conflict situations. We will cover: How owners and managers can earn goodwill before drawing down on it. “Going to the balcony” for mental separation from heated, emotionally charged tenant situations. Phrases and approaches that de-escalate, especially where…
This presentation provides a legal overview of landlording, focusing on the common mistakes that landlords make, especially those that are the most costly. We review basic requirements of: Security deposits Tenant screening and anti-discrimination Lead paint Notices to quit Sanitary code Pre-rental inspections and more. This presentation will not be…
Whether you’re coming from the point of view of individual landlording, or if you’re an experienced corporate landlord looking to get the latest industry update, this presentation on commercial lending gives you the perspective you need to grow your income property business. Wee cover the different expectations in the commercial…
This presentation teaches you how to be listed on as a Certified Massachusetts Landlord™ and pass our test. This new professional designation is available to current, new and prospective owners and managers of Massachusetts residential real estate. We explain: Why certification matters to: State politics, and Your bottom line.…
This presentation focuses on how to conduct a mutual release with relocation assistance payment, sometimes called “cash for keys.” We discuss: Brief history (going back to the 2008 collapse) General procedure Common terms and conditions in a mutual release How much to offer? Going rates from real experience Negotiation tips…
Learn the best tips for installing and using security cameras: Did you know we cannot record audio, and that a sign saying we do is no help? Have you adopted a “power over ethernet” system? Was your system installed by a security company or an electrician? Have cameras reduced lost…
This presentation teaches the essentials of buying or selling occupied property (when tenants are in the building being bought or sold). We look at all aspects of the process: Offer stage – what to include Due diligence – what rental documents to request from owner/seller P&S – ensuring correct terms…
At your breaking point over tough tenancy issues? Unable even to talk with your tenant about the back rent? Powerless to exercise your rights until eviction is unavoidable and lawyers are needed? As attractive and profitable as landlording may be, tenant conflict can bring us to the boiling point! Although…
This presentation provides useful insight from an enforcement point of view on what can be done with a property and what cannot: Spotting and correcting illegal apartments Means of egress Fire and life safety (Chapter 26F) Statute of limitations Zoning (Chapter 40A) We cover basics in land use, structures and…
At MassLandlords we emphasize the positive can-do. But we also need to teach the full life cycle of rental real estate ownership, including asset reallocation, down-sizing, and possibly even selling out. Even if you are committed to holding your properties through the pandemic (we hope you are), it’s good to…
Learn why and how owners operate with an LLC, Inc., or trust. This presentation reviews: How entities can help with estate planning, bankruptcy containment, and business growth. Which form of entity is most commonly used by Massachusetts landlords? Why trusts are now out of favor. The basic outline for what…
This presentation walks you through a new members-only resource: Our Massachusetts ADU table. This table is a listing of every town and city ordinance on ADUs. We discuss: What is an accessory dwelling unit? Which towns allow some kind of ADU? Which towns require owner occupy vs. allow investment? Do…
A 1031 exchange is a tax-deferred exchange of real estate that will allow you to have more money to reinvest in rental real estate: You can sell your current building and buy a new one, deferring capital gains and depreciation recapture tax from the sale of the first property. We’ll…
Learn about the eviction process in Massachusetts, including types of evictions, serving notices to quit, the mediation process, court timelines and more. This overview teaches landlords about the entire eviction process, from notice to quit to regaining possession of the rental.
This presentation helps you construct the “hardship waiver” process. MassLandlords uses dues pricing matched to “per units owned or managed.” Our benefits get better the bigger you get. A landlord with ten units, for example, will save ten times as much at Home Depot as a landlord with just one…
Slides, Past Video and Training Material You must be logged as a member to see all meeting content.
Slides, Past Video and Training Material Event resources are available only for members in good standing who are logged in. This is part of our Statewide Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.
We’ve completed This visual history walks Massachusetts residents, especially non-landlords, through our housing crisis and the attempts to control rents. Attendees will: See our live website. Ask questions and provide feedback for further content. Learn about website Phases to come. See fundraising to date and work remaining. Did you…
This training is called “Tips & Tricks for the Savvy Landlord (that you have never heard of before).” We discuss the fastest, cheapest, best techniques for making light work of some annoying problems. Topics include fixing stripped screws, testing for carpenter ants, saving your cabinets, and more.
The Massachusetts General Laws will be made plain by looking at them in a logical, orderly way. We glide over the laws by chapter and verse, pointing out the highlights, key points, and gotchas. After watching, you’ll be better prepared to find and read the laws for yourself. Anytime someone…
This presentation makes a connection between your business and the Boston Housing Authority, whose vouchers and other programs serve renters in Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Bristol and Plymouth counties. Learn how the BHA owner portal gets you and your renters approvals faster. See how small area fair market rents give…
This training reviews the dues increase scheduled implemented on November 15. Existing and renewing members will be given instructions on grandfathering in their current dues price. MassLandlords membership now comes with 14 valuable benefits. We’re helping so much we’ll be increasing dues to make more resources available for our mission,…
The MassLandlords crash course in landlording and rental real estate customized for Massachusetts. Top shelf real estate training and education.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Past Presentations Statewide 2022-04-06 Top Ten Tips for New Massachusetts Real Estate Investors Slides are available only for members in good standing who are logged in. Click here to watch the latest MassLandlords Business Update. This is part of our Statewide Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.
Demo Apartment Demo Tenant Demo Apartment 4 All can click: Apartment 4 The landlord cannot click: Tenant 4a The landlord cannot click: Tenant 4b