Discrimination and Fair Housing Training: How to Offer Equal Housing Opportunity

This presentation offers a comprehensive overview of federal and state protected classes. We're fortunate to live in a country and a state where we cannot be denied housing because of our belonging to a protected class. But as rental housing operators, we do have to deny applications.

We review:

  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968 as Amended.
  • Protected classes under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 151B.
  • The full list of federal and state protected classes.
  • Prohibited steering.
  • Enforcement actions.
  • What not to put in an ad.
  • And more!

Become confident in your ability to offer equal housing opportunity while still screening for success in rental housing.


A diverse group of happy people are smiling with their arms raised so as to look cheery. An old woman in a wheelchair is wearing a dress. A white woman is standing next to a black man. A young boy is next to the man, perhaps the child of the standing woman and the man. All are very happy.
Equal housing opportunity is fun, rewarding and easy once you know how. 

Slides, Past Video and Training Material

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MassLandlords is a nonprofit dedicated to helping owners rent their property. Presenters are not necessarily vetted by MassLandlords. Although we try to offer the best possible advice, we recommend you consult an attorney or tax accountant before you alter your business processes.


Slides are available only for members in good standing who are logged in.


This is part of our Statewide Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.



