Forum (Real Estate Message Boards)

All MassLandlords members have access to a valuable resource: our online message boards are a direct line of communication with other landlords in your region who can provide helpful information and resources to help with your business.

Interacting in your regional Google group is as easy as writing and receiving emails. (Example shown of a MassLandlords regional message board interface.)

If you have a question – any question! – about this industry, the message boards are a place to get informed answers from other housing providers and learn from their experiences. Whether you seek general information about everyday housing issues, or need specific answers that only other landlords in your area can provide, these message boards are the place to start.

No Question Too Specific or Too General

Answers to many of your message board questions may be provided via links to the MassLandlords website and our hundreds of pages of informational articles about landlording in this state, or to our monthly newsletter. Such general questions might include:

But perhaps a higher value of the MassLandlords message boards emerges when users seek answers to specific questions pertaining to their current situations:

  • Has anyone heard that the city is refusing to issue certificates because heat detectors were installed inside a unit?
  • I need to apply for a zoning change for my 3-family, does anyone have experience working with [my city] administrators on this process?
  • What should I do with xyz administrator, they aren’t answering my calls, does anyone know someone higher up?

Sometimes the best way to get specific information is straight from those who have lived through similar circumstances.

The most informed, up-to-date landlords stay interactive within their group communities, to gain valuable contacts, forge working relationships, keep apprised of the latest legal and market developments, receive practical advice, and much more.

A Group for Every Member

Massachusetts is a wide and diverse state with several distinct zones. Issues, ordinances and markets pertaining to property ownership and rental housing in the Boston area may differ significantly from those for landlords in Berkshire County.

To encourage interaction among landlords living and providing housing within common regions, we will assign new and current MassLandlords members to specific message boards based on your location of residence within the state, determined by your contact zip code.

If you live in or near Pittsfield, for example, you will be enrolled in the Berkshire County chapter Google group. If you reside in Cambridge you will be enrolled in the Greater Boston group. Greenfield residents will have their own regional group, etc.

Ideally, every one of our thousands of MassLandlords members will sign up for a message board in their region and make a habit of interacting with and learning from others with shared experiences.

By default, we will add you to the Google group that matches your billing zip code. Many owners and managers operate in more than one location, and you are welcome on more than one board. To join other message boards, simply email requesting the regional message board/s you want to join.

Simple to Use by Design

These Google group message boards are easy to use; as easy as writing and receiving emails. Read a quick rundown of MassLandlords Google group usage details.

In order to keep conversations manageable and meaningful on these message boards, we will attempt to keep group memberships at a level not exceeding 300 participants. As groups grow (a good thing!), we will create new groups as necessary.

Mass. Chapters

For now, regional Google groups comprise members in:

New chapter groups will be added to this list according to members’ locations. Note that a statewide (digital) group exists and will be the default assignment for members who reside outside the state (let us know where you operate and we will gladly place you in the region of your choosing).

Facebook Group

Finally, MassLandlords also maintains a statewide Facebook group, available to all members. To be added to our closed Facebook group, request to join on Facebook.

Off Market Deals Mass Group

We have created a new message board for off market deals. You may want to list your property for sale privately and work directly with other members that are experienced owners/landlords. Or you may find your next investment opportunities in this group. Listing on the open market generally is the only way to get a market price. You may decide to list here for other reasons but please do not post anything without consulting with family you trust, an attorney, a broker or anyone else who could help you.

By clicking the button below, you give permission for us to add your email address to Off Market Deals Mass Group. When we add you, you will start getting Off Market Mass Group emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Please allow two (2) business days to be added.

To access this benefit, you must be logged-in and a member in good standing

Log in or join to access all savings, benefits and resources

You must be a paid member to use Google groups. Log in and view the Member Home Page for help.

How to use the Google Group System

Your Google Group will be easy to use once you get the hang of it. Important: One Thing you Need to Understand The Google Group is a service provided by Your log-in for is separate. You get access to the Google Group when you join as a paid member, but there…

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