• Home page slider 2 with picture of brick city hall (Worcester) and text as follows: We create better rental housing. Household stability. Property rights. Safety and climate.
  • Home page slider with picture of modest but clean wood frame house and text as follows: We help you own, rent or manage. Certified Massachusetts Landlord(TM). Forms, savings and connections. Up-to-date info and coaching.

For Landlords, Property Managers and Investors of All Sizes:

Our bill to address fire safety in rental housing by preventing smokers in violation of a no-smoking agreement tampering with smoke detectors.
Early Warning System
MassLandlords has automatic monitors running on key state and city websites. These sites are the locations where public notices will be announced for important issues, like the state-wide rent control bill, or your local town’s real estate tax rate hearing.
Springfield Chat Mon Mar 10th, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm: Coffee Meetup
Outcomes for June 2023
Massachusetts Eviction Data and Housing Court Statistics: Outcomes for June 2023 filings
First video.
Second video.
Third video.
Partial self assessment.
Video 1: Can I take a security deposit in Massachusetts? What are the move-in monies I can lawfully charge? Can I charge pet rent?