• Home page slider 2 with picture of brick city hall (Worcester) and text as follows: We create better rental housing. Household stability. Property rights. Safety and climate.
  • Home page slider with picture of modest but clean wood frame house and text as follows: We help you own, rent or manage. Certified Massachusetts Landlord(TM). Forms, savings and connections. Up-to-date info and coaching.

For Landlords, Property Managers and Investors of All Sizes:

First Video: Eviction Sealing Overview. Learn about the new law effective May 2025 that will make it hard to screen out bad tenants.
Member Home Page
The MassLandlords member home page is a complete list of benefits and how to access them.
Video 1: Lead Hazards
Video 2: How to Delead
Video 3: Deleading with Tenants
Video 4: Practice
Statewide Video Thu Oct 17th - Thu Oct 24th: Deleading Video Training Series
MassLandlords not-for-profit tax status, bylaws, elections, and other governance matters. Some portions are public, others members-only. Updated '23 results
Landlord Defense Fund
Donate to the Massachusetts Landlord Defense Fund. Help defend landlords against tenants and their state-enabled advocates.