Ranked Choice Voting

    Ranked Choice Voting was on the Massachusetts ballot in 2020 and may be again. This presentation reviews the full text of the 2020 ballot question, what ranked choice voting would mean for Massachusetts, and what both supporters and detractors say about it. We will then review several past elections and the outcome that occurred vs what might have happened differently if an alternative voting method had been used. We look at both MassLandlords' elections (which use non-traditional voting methods) as well as the elections that have changed the course of housing policy in Massachusetts.
    Understand how the eviction moratorium, rent control, rent cancellation, tenant opportunity to purchase, right to counsel, eviction sealing, and a Fair and Equal Housing Guarantee via surety bonds are all either helped or hindered by our current voting method or the alternative ranked choice voting.

Slides, Past Video and Training Material





Eviction Movers Proxima
