Good Landlording Hygiene: Take Your Real Estate from Stinky to Squeaky Clean

This presentation helps you manage your rental income stream as a business at any size. It is not a legal compliance review. Instead, we focus on business tools and processes. Full- and part-time landlords will find a variety of productivity tips and tricks:

  • How can I guarantee new knowledge always gets put into practice?
  • Where do I store important files like rental agreements?
  • How and when should I delegate to new team members? Who can I realistically hire at my size?
  • What should my mental state be when I learn someone has damaged the apartment?
  • And much more.

We hope these tips will open your eyes to new ways of looking at an old business.

"I started owning real estate in 1972 and events like this always provided me with new information or reminds me of what I should or could be doing." -Paul

"Great suggestions, even though I only rent three units." -Ed

In the middle of a construction site featuring general chaos (bricks being laid on bare steel, a riveter hammering nothing, and a shoveler moving a pile of ash) a landlord takes a bubble bath.
It's a great time to stop what you're doing and think about whether you could do it better.

Slides, Past Video and Training Material

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MassLandlords is a nonprofit dedicated to helping owners rent their property. Presenters are not necessarily vetted by MassLandlords. Although we try to offer the best possible advice, we recommend you consult an attorney or tax accountant before you alter your business processes.


Event resources are available only for members in good standing who are logged in.


This is part of our Statewide Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.



