Massachusetts Housing Policy Advocacy

This part of the site is where we discuss proposed changes to Massachusetts housing policy, meaning all laws and regulations that impact housing, particularly rental housing. (For information on current laws that landlords have to follow, see our Massachusetts Landlord Tenant Laws page.)

Not all Massachusetts housing policy changes discussed here are endorsed; some of what we discuss is strongly opposed.

Major Policy Features of the Website

Full Text of Bills Explained
Looking for specific bill text? Starting with the 193rd session (2023) we pick apart our own and others' bills and explain each piece.

See bill explainers.

Eviction Data
We read every eviction filing twice and report on filings and, 18 months later, outcomes. We provide summary reports weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly.

See eviction data.

Policy Priorities Survey
Our ongoing survey shows where members stand on proposals. The results are summarized for the public.

Take survey and view results.

Related Pages

Massachusetts Housing Policy Topic Areas:

We will add commentary and documents over time.

2023 - 2024 Legislative Session (193rd), Massachusetts Housing Policy Bills

Links will be added as articles are published.

  • Create the Climate Resilient Capital Task Force.
  • Allow landlords and contractors who pass a test to conduct like-for-like repair and replacement of minor electrical and plumbing systems.
  • Allow LLCs to represent themselves in court.
  • Move the legislature away from copyrighted laws, including allowing us to read the building code for free. Subject the legislature to the public records law.
  • Require that all bills be presented in "tracked changes" format so lay people can read and understand them.
  • Create a pilot program for instant rental assistance; fund it with incentives to move away from single family zoning.
  • Hold a commission to evaluate the eviction moratorium and ensure it never returns.
  • Increase the deleading credit from $1,500 to $15,000 per unit.
  • Reform civil asset forfeiture.
  • Change the $10,000 RAFT cap, which is regressive in Boston, to be X months of rent. Require the full RAFT benefit be paid out regardless of whether for arrears or going-forward stipend to eliminate incentives to sandbag.
  • Declare eviction and rental assistance records to be public records; create new protected classes to prevent unfair discrimination based on this information.

2021 - 2022 Legislative Session (192nd), Massachusetts Housing Policy Bills



2019 - 2020 Legislative Session (191st), Massachusetts Housing Policy Bills

MassLandlords has not taken a position on all bills below. When we are able to read and understand the intent, we will compare this with our Policy Priorities Survey and make an endorsement or statement of opposition.

Bills of note by topic:

Bills by number:

Candidate Endorsements

MassLandlords will endorse issues on either side of the aisle at the municipal, state, or federal level according to our Policy Priorities Survey. We do not endorse candidates. All candidates are welcome to use our events to network with attendees for no cost, and bring literature and team members. Check with our local events teams for details.

Massachusetts Housing Policy Fun Facts

The National Multifamily Housing Council and the National Apartment Association have collaborated on Apartments - We Live Here, a study with interesting statistics:

  • There are roughly 800,000 apartment residents in Massachusetts
  • The rental industry contributes $21 billion to the Commonwealth's economy
  • Including servicing apartment residents, on-site management, and construction, the industry sustains 190,000 jobs

Related Article: 4 Fun Facts About Landlording

Massachusetts Housing Policy Achievements

MassLandlords volunteers and staff have been active participants in Massachusetts housing policy discussions since we launched in 2014.

  • 2024 January: We testified against the Housing Bond Bill, which contains eviction sealing. We stopped eviction sealing in the House version.
  • 2023 November: We went to the State House to testify against rent control and TOPA. Rent control was excluded from the Housing Bond Bill, and TOPA from the Senate version.
  • 2023 October: We changed the law! The tax relief act doubled the Schedule LP deleading credit to $3,000 per unit. This made an additional $10 million a year available to housing providers to delead.
  • 2023 January: We got our first bill dual-filed since water submetering in 2004: to increase the deleading credit to $15,000.
  • 2022 October: We learned that prior MassLandlords' testimony greatly influenced the April 2023 sanitary code. Among other things, we made clear that tile backsplashes and mechanical ventilation in bathrooms were not reasonable or necessary in every case.
  • 2022 July: The Senate Bill 192 S2988 that MassLandlords filed would reform civil asset forfeiture in Massachusetts. The Senate voted yes (31 to 9); it will be back next session.
  • 2022 May: Submitted an amicus brief in the Superior Court case Slavin v. Lewis, in support of the defendant’s rights as a tenant protected from trespass action, in the interest of insulating landlords from vulnerability to violations of Ch. 93A and liability for triple damages.
  • 2022 April 4: Presentation to the national Fair Housing and Civil Rights Conference on our dataset of 71,000 eviction records.
    • Offered unprecedented suggestions to achieve eviction-free housing.
  • 2022 January: Filed testimony opposing Rent Control, Right of First Refusal and other matters before The Joint Committee on Housing Massachusetts General Court.
  • 2021 December: After many friendly attempts, sued the Department of Housing and Community Development in the Superior Court for access to records on rental assistance timeouts.
  • 2021 October: Petitioned the Attorney General to Amend 940 CMR 3.17 so as to delete from 3.17 (4) (k) the words “or... otherwise fail to comply with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 186, s. 15B.” By these words, 3.17 (4) (k) imposes treble damages and attorney’s fees for violations of the security-deposit law that the Legislature exempted from those remedies.
  • 2020 October: Working with DHCD, created the RAFT "owner door," whereby landlords could first start to apply for rental assistance on behalf of our renters. Over $800 million of rental assistance went to 75,000 households. Eviction filings decreased by 50%. Forced move-outs decreased by 90%.
  • 2019 September: Davis v Comerford decision mandating rent escrow under certain circumstances, including passing a multipoint judicial test.
  • 2019 May: Davis v Comerford amicus brief arguing that rent escrow is not unlawful.
  • 2019 April 6: Oral testimony to HUD indicating the need to shorten Section 8 lease-up times.
  • 2018 October 15: Submitted testimony to HUD for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule changes
  • 2018 January 8: Oral Arguments for RPM Services v Hatcher
    • Supported oral arguments before the Supreme Judicial Court on how court-sanctioned actions could not trigger automatic triple damages. Several other arguments were advanced; the triple damages argument at least prevailed.
  • 2017 October 7: Sanitary Code Testimony
    • Provided written testimony on a proposed rewrite of the state sanitary code.
    • Pointed out 30 oversights, misconceptions, and bad ideas, some of which would put landlords especially in Franklin County out of business.
  • 2017 September 21: State-wide Policy Forum
    • Established grassroots foundations for future policy work.
  • 2016 March: Meikle v Nurse Amicus Brief.
    • Submitted brief to Supreme Judicial Court arguing that when a landlord owes $3 in security deposit interest this should not stop an eviction, especially if the renter owes $3,000 in rent.
  • 2016 March: Senate Special Commission on Housing Final Report
    • Major contributor to several key areas of report.
    • First public endorsement of "Insurance Against Homelessness" aka Landlord Tenant Guarantee Fund.
  • 2014 October 8: Small Business Candidates' Night
    • Moderated by Ray Mariano, Mayor of Worcester '93 to '01
    • Attended by eventual winners of Lt. Governor, Auditor, and Senate races
  • 2013 November: First "Town Hall" for candidates, held in Worcester.
We are guided at all times by members on our policy priorities survey.

Recent Survey Results

Further Reading on Massachusetts Housing Policy

Past Presentations

To view all of this presentation, you must be logged-in and a member in good standing.

Log in or join today and gain access all presentations and videos

MassLandlords is a nonprofit dedicated to helping owners rent their property. Presenters are not necessarily vetted by MassLandlords. Although we try to offer the best possible advice, we recommend you consult an attorney or tax accountant before you alter your business processes.

Slides are available only for members in good standing who are logged in.

Bills for the 192nd Session

Click here to watch the latest MassLandlords Business Update.

This is part of our Statewide Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.

Bad Tenant Horror Stories

"A landlord's 2-year, $80,000 effort to evict a non-paying tenant" February 27, 2024

External Links

A graph of Massachusetts per capita housing production showing units per 1000 residents reaching a peak of 7.5 in 1986 and falling to a long-term recent average of around 2.25.
Massachusetts housing permit data available at

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In the News

An occasional roundup of MassLandlords media mentions and appearances by association representatives
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