Charlie Knight is the current presiding officer of the Armoury-Quadrangle Civic Association, deluxe SRO landlord, and homelessness survivor.
A review of the 2018 Massachusetts ballot questions, and how three questions didn’t make it to the ballot but have impacted real estate nonetheless.
Property owner and manager survey shows great concern over right of first refusal, no agreement on carbon tax, and greater interest in homelessness advocacy.
How to gain access to an apartment in MA. Summary of a question-and-answer session on our members-only message boards.
Landlords may collect rent after a tenancy is terminated without jeopardizing the eviction, but communication with tenants is key to preserving your rights.
Letter from the Executive Director for September 2018.
Owners and operators of buildings with one to four units are requested to complete this survey on solar incentives.
This article summarizes remarks made the Chief Justice and/or Attorney Ben Adeyinka to MetroWest owners in spring 2018. Any errors are MassLandlords’ own.
Letter from the Executive Director for August 2018.
MassLandlords governance establishes a Board of Directors and democratically chosen policy priorities. We use the election to also recognize a non-member for the Good Neighbor Award.