Voter Choice 2020 will put Ranked Choice Voting on the ballot in November 2020. Ranked choice will reduce polarization and turn up minority voices.
A time-consuming property tax abatement process could mean tax savings for your rental income property.
Portable space heaters can be dangerous if used improperly, but they can also save money with careful use, and provide essential comfort.
MassLandlords testimony on the WRTA going fare free focuses on the city's obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.
The 2019 Meris Bergquist Mass Fair Housing Center lawsuit against DPH for lead paint flies in the face of civil procedure and good sense.
Public display of political signs from rental yards and windows can become controversial when landlords and tenants disagree.
Letter from the Executive Director for February 2020.
Rent control in major cities is a big problem with a complex solution
Proposed changes to the state sanitary code could impact landlords across Massachusetts.
Landlord FAQ for Worcester Community Choice electricity changes coming February 2020.