Associate Justice Jonathan Kane and Clerk Magistrate Michael Doherty were recently both confirmed to the Western Division Housing Court.
The Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General should issue an advisory on websites selling fake emotional support animal certificates.
Is waterproof laminate flooring possible? We tested all seven brands available at a Massachusetts Lowe’s to find out.
The City of Worcester’s Landlord-Tenant Guarantee (formerly known as Insurance Against Homelessness) started in May 2019.
Rent control may be returning to Massachusetts. Here we reexamine the story of Vincent and Laura Bologna to show how rent control worked in practice.
New server lays foundation for market certification coming in 2019, saves cost, reduces latency.
Letter from the Executive Director for May 2019.
Massachusetts parking requirements present an obstacle to the creation of new affordable housing. Should we change the way we vote to repeal space minimums?
Cambridge Street Realty v Stewart decides on defective notices, showcases years-long court process.
“Age of Evictions: As Rents Soar in Boston” article by Jenifer McKim and Alejandro Serrano fundamentally false. Globe refuses to publish corrections.