2019 MassLandlords Annual Election Results: Kasabula, Hoffman
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.In December, MassLandlords members voted in our annual business meeting on the next director to succeed Joyce Nierodzinski on our five member volunteer board. We met our quorum target of 339, with 368 members participating either online or at a physical meeting, including abstentions.

MassLandlords uses score voting, in which members rate each candidate on a scale of “zero” strongly opposed to “five” strongly in favor. A score above 2.5 to 3 is favorable. The boxes represent the middle 50% of member votes. The final decision is made on the basis of total score, with average score only used as tiebreaker.
Michele Kasabula’s total score was 690, average 4.42. David Pole’s total score was 454, average 3.27. Michele Kasabula has been elected to the board.
Please join us in thanking both David and Michele for their willingness to put themselves out there and serve. In an organization of 1,600, every bit of public spirit and volunteering adds up to an increasingly impressive state-wide organization, and a positive force for the creation of better rental housing in Massachusetts. There are volunteer roles at the state and local level.

Chief Deputy Sheriff of Hampden County Robert “Bobby” Hoffman was the only nominee to meet the requirements of the Good Neighbor Award, but score voting shows that he was also a welcome and highly approved of nominee and meriting recognition.
Please also join us in thanking Chief Deputy Sheriff of Hampden County Robert “Bobby” Hoffman, whose volunteerism at a Saturday crash course and an evening event, as well as his deep empathy in a very difficult line of work, earned him recognition as our 2019 Good Neighbor.