How to Get a Bat out of an Apartment - A DIY article for landlords wanting to know how to get a bat out of an apartment. Discusses permanent exclusion...
Ford’s Pest of the Month: Mosquito - The mosquito goes through Complete Metamorphosis, which consist of four separate and distinct stages of its life...
Ford’s Pest of the Month : Skunks - Eaters of Grubs is a blurb talking about skunks and how to deal with their pesky habits. Published February 2017.
The cat flea blood-feeding insect is responsible for being a notorious vector of disease such as murine typhus and bubonic plague called the “black death.”
Skunks are important to the balance of nature. Skunks are a member of the weasel family and have pointed noses and short legs, which make them waddle when they walk.