Ford’s Pest of the Month: The Cat Flea

fords 2016-09 fleasThis blood-feeding insect is responsible for being a notorious vector of disease such as murine typhus and bubonic plague called the “black death.” This bacterial disease resulted in more than 7 million deaths in Europe from 1896-1911. The reaction to the fleabite may vary depending on its victim, the specie of flea and the amount of secretion deposited by the salivary glands of the flea. The total population breakdown within your home is as follows: Flea eggs 34%, Larva 57%, pupa 8% and adults count for 1%. Two days after a blood meal the eggs that were laid will hatch at 50 degrees, in approximately 6 days. The larvae feed on the excretion of blood, skin, and other insects. The pupa stage is 7-10 days. Complete metamorphosis ranges from 16 days to 20 months. Flea control starts by treating the animal and providing a flea bath and flea collar. Vacuuming all floors, rugs, and cushioned furniture, along with washing and vacuuming pet bedding greatly aids in the battle of flea control. Always remember to change your vacuum bags frequently. Pesticide may then be applied before the animal is returned. Call Ford’s Hometown Services to rid any home or apartment of these blood-sucking insects.

Are you being bugged? Contact us at!

Geoff Ford, President
Ford’s Hometown Services



