November 2015

Our November meeting was a great success. We discovered that Worcester is a top destination nationally for refugees. We met with Lisa Brennan from Ascentria Services for New Americans, who put together a compelling presentation for us. The superstar Laurie Matowski from the Worcester Housing Authority, along with the turn-around expert Bill Minkle at RCAP, covered all of our need-to-know information about Section 8, RAFT, HomeBASE, MRVP, and VASH. Many landlords are surprised to learn how HomeBASE, in particular, really works. Finally, we covered great tips and tricks to increase income from market tenants, and dove into digital rent collection. Make sure to watch the videos below to catch up on anything you missed.

Lisa Brennan from Ascentria on Refugees

Business Update

Laurie Matowski from the Worcester Housing Authority on Subsidies

Bill Minkle from RCAP Solutions on Subsidies

This is part of the Worcester Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.



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