Director Joyce Nierodzinski’s Parting Thoughts
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.MassLandlords Director Joyce Nierodzinski will reach our form of term limits December 31, 2019. (Directors may serve an unlimited number of five-year terms but cannot serve consecutive terms.)

Outgoing MassLandlords Director Joyce Nierodzinski.
Joyce was instrumental in reorganizing the Worcester Property Owners Association, Inc. from a local club with 150 members to the current state-wide MassLandlords, Inc. with over 1,600 members.
Reorganization started in 2013 with “breakfast at Sandra’s,” where MassLandlords volunteers including Joyce researched and decided strategy, hired a law firm to draft new bylaws, and hired a development company to build the first website.
Joyce was known for being a reliable contributor above all else.
“Anything she said she would do, she did well and with a positive attitude. She went above and beyond to help MassLandlords grow,” said Executive Director Doug Quattrochi.
Her small business perspective and easygoing personality helped her win election to Board of Directors in 2014.
Joyce was a primary motivator for our current phone system strategy, which remains on track to help members as we grow. We have already launched helpline access. We intend to expand to an answering service, as resources allow, to offer late-night triage capability.
Policy was also a focus for Joyce. The Nierodzinskis hosted a small meet-and-greet at their home for Senator Ryan Fattman. Joyce also offered her organization and logistics skills to get landlords to Beacon Hill for formal and informal testimony.
Joyce’s parting thoughts to members:
"I enjoyed my time on the board and during my tenure I learned a lot, made many friendships and helped lay the foundation for MassLandlords to continue to grow. We will only continue to grow and be the organization that all landlords want to be associated with and certified by."
We need landlords to volunteer and help steer MassLandlords in our mission to create better rental housing.