IPCC has “high confidence” coastal real estate to flood more. First Street Foundation, Realtor.com flood maps agree with IPCC, show extreme risk, disagree with FEMA.
In August we began to implement our dues increase, contributed to the public’s understanding of the CDC moratorium extension, and did much else.
Our 2021 Annual Business Meeting and Annual Election will be held electronically in December 2021. Now is the time to read about our election processes and nominate candidates.
Testimony entered for the August 3 House and Senate hearings suggests neither proposed bill will solve root causes of evictions
Gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual, asexual or anything else between consenting adults doesn’t matter when you’re choosing your tenant.
There’s a time and a place to display your wealth...and it’s not when you’re collecting the rent.
Language barriers, visa status and country of birth can get you into hot water when choosing tenants. Here’s how to stay out of trouble as a landlord.
A process to access rental assistance funds that started in December took three and a half months to complete
A 2020 ruling states the Civil Rights Act of 1964 cannot protect sex without protecting gender identity and sexual orientation
In order to continue expanding and improving the business of landlording in the state, MassLandlords will implement a dues increase and per-unit component.