Found Among the Papers of the Late Sandra Katz, a tale of triple damages from good faith errors with a Massachusetts security deposit.
With so many automatic online options, collecting rent on time no longer needs to take up landlords’ time and attention.
Don’t like kids in the building? Saying so and denying a tenancy to someone with children could land you in court.
Both veterans and active-duty military members are protected under Massachusetts law.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for November 2021 discusses right of first refusal and our dues increase.
Members in good standing must vote online at in the 2021 annual election. Nominations will be taken until Nov. 19, 2021.
Language barriers, a confusing application process and conflicting information led to trouble for one Fitchburg resident in arrears.
From the seat of a bike, traveling about 13 miles per hour, the unsustainable picture of housing in America unfolds slowly and clearly.
Published October 5th, 2021 |
Updated November 4th, 2024
Posted in News , policy -
Proposed tenant right of first refusal bills allow for tenant demolition, lobbyist purchases, and landlord despair as we are left holding the bag. Hearing October 12, 2021.
Mrs. Murphy, the hypothetical widowed landlord whose owner-occupied property is exempt from aspects of the Fair Housing Act, is better left un-evoked.