Our Letter from the Executive Director for December 2022 looks back at a year since our “price per unit” dues increase.
The tenancy preservation program works with tenants to find solutions to disability-related housing issues, helping avoid homelessness.
Mattresses, clothes, shoes and other textiles must be donated or recycled rather than thrown away as part of the state’s expanded waste disposal ban.
Massachusetts property taxes, higher than in most states and ever-increasing, are enough to push some landlords out of the industry.
Members in good standing must vote online at MassLandlords.net/vote in this year’s annual election.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for November 2022 looks back at October accomplishments and forward to the 193rd legislative session.
Top tips for ghoulishly good results around your rental units
Both the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act make it unlawful for housing providers to discriminate against someone based on their disability. What does that mean for landlords?