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Smoke Detector Inspection Form

The smoke detector inspection form not only leads you to save lives, it also lets you enter a tenant’s apartment to make sure everything is being maintained correctly. Smoke detectors must now be photoelectric with ten year batteries. This reduces tampering. But it doesn’t mean a tenant can’t take them off the wall or cover them up, especially if they are setting off the alarm while cooking. Make sure your rental agreement gives your permission to enter, check with an attorney, and use this form to check and maintain your units regularly.

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Screenshot of the video on the free rent trick available under the "Past Meetings" page.

Which Tenant Screening Service is Best?

Our most popular article reviews the costs and features of credit check companies so you can buy the score that will be most beneficial for your business. We also review how credit scores work. If you want to dig deeper, check out the Resources Index section on “Background checks.” We have three free articles on checking CORI for criminal records! And always remember, the free public record of evictions.

Security Deposit Checklist

If you make a good-faith error with a security deposit, your good intentions will be no protection against triple damages. Follow our checklist to avoid the most common causes of triple-damages. If you take a deposit, follow the link to read the law for yourself, and consult with an attorney. Even if you avoid triple damages, you may still be at risk of losing an eviction case or paying lesser damages if everything is not perfectly handled.

List of Protected Classes

We all try not to discriminate, but what happens when someone threatens to sue? Review this list of so-called “protected classes” and keep a paper trail. This will help you remember that business reasons are valid reasons for rejecting someone, even if they are protected. Remember this list and don’t mention or discuss anything on it.

Video on how to Avoid the Free Rent Trick

The “free rent trick” is when a tenant experiencing economic hardship breaks their apartment to delay eviction. This quick ten minute presentation walks you through how it works, why the tenant doesn’t have to pay, and how you as a landlord can protect yourself.

List of all the Laws Landlords Must Follow

You can succeed in the rental business, but only if you know all the laws! Residential rental real estate is very heavily regulated. As we find more laws, we add them to this page. You should read the law for yourself, understand it, and follow both the letter and the spirit!

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