February 2018

Click here to view all details of this event

Executive Director Doug Quattrochi started with a business update.

Part I: 10 Reasons Why Your Apartments may be Uninhabitable by Lee Hall, Chief Sanitary Inspector of the City of Worcester

The state sanitary code is changing. In late 2017 DPH proposed amendments that will invalidate many of our apartments and entire buildings. Will these changes all take effect, or was public comment too intense?

Even without the changes, most apartments in older buildings fail the state sanitary code. This leaves it open as a weapon against landlords during evictions and other tough tenant situations. We reviewed the top ten things landlords get wrong under the current code, and discussing the prospects for the proposed changes.

This presentation was presentation-style with Lee Hall, Chief Sanitary Inspector of the City of Worcester, and committed researcher. Lee has a Master's Degree in Non-Profit/Public/Organizational Management and polled MassLandlords Worcester members as part of her thesis work.

Part II: Zero-down, Cashflow Positive Solar by Aaron Simms, General Manager of Sunbug Solar

We taught how to avoid bad solar leasing deals by financing your own panels and getting a new roof in the process.

We explained the valuable SREC tax credit, We briefly touched on how going solar and then including electrical and heat in the rent can leave you with a premium over market rates.

This presentation was interview-style with Rich Merlino, our Worcester emcee, asking tough questions of Aaron Simms, General Manager of Sunbug Solar.

This is part of the Worcester Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.



