State: No More Federally Funded Rental Assistance Program Applications on or Around April 15

Massachusetts housing payment assistance programs that have been funded by federal emergency assistance dollars will stop accepting new applications “on or around” April 15, 2022, according to a March 15 announcement from the Baker-Polito administration.

 Image shows a monthly calendar for April 2022 with Friday, April 15 circled in red. The calendar has a border with blue abstract lines. The calendar itself has a background image of a two-story white house on the lower left-hand side.

According to the state of Massachusetts, certain federally funded housing programs including ERAP and SHERA will stop accepting new applications on or around April 15, 2022.

According to the announcement, the approximate April 15 cutoff date was determined based on remaining federal funds. Federal dollars for housing payments, called Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA), funded the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) and the Subsidized Housing Emergency Rental Assistance program (SHERA). A portion of the state’s HomeBASE program was also enhanced by federal ERA dollars.

After April 15, eligible households can still apply for the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition program (RAFT), providing funds are available. In March, the Administration filed a supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 2022, which would allow the RAFT program to remain funded through the end of the fiscal year. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023 includes a 264% increase in RAFT funding from 2022’s budget. These budget proposals would allow RAFT to serve more families at the current benefit level of up to $7,000.

According to the Department of Housing and Community Development, applications submitted prior to April 15 for federally funded programs will still be processed and considered as long as ERA funds are available. Applications received after the deadline will be considered for RAFT.

Though RAFT is not available for homeowners, those struggling with mortgage payments may be eligible for assistance through the state’s Homeowners Assistance Fund. Those who are still on a stipend will continue to receive assistance. You may be able to reapply if your maximum benefit has not been reached; check with your local housing agency if you are unsure whether you qualify.





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