Notice of Annual Meeting: MassLandlords Annual Elections December 8 through 21, 2021

Each year in December we elect a member to the Board of Directors, and we also recognize a non-member with the MassLandlords Good Neighbor award.

A cartoon of a ballot box with a narrow slot on top, and an Annual Ballot being inserted into the slot by hand. The MassLandlords logo is visible in the background with tulip, brick foundation, and blade of grass. Licensed 123rf 61058618_s – Derivative work.

Nominations accepted through Dec. 7. Starting December 8 through Dec. 21, vote at Licensed 123rf 61058618_s – Derivative work.

Our annual meeting this year will be conducted electronically only. The four event locations that would normally host in-person voting are closed. Electronic voting will take place at starting Dec. 8, 2021 and running through Dec. 21, 2021. The record date is Sunday, Nov. 28 (meaning you must be a member on that date to vote).

Members must pay dues to MassLandlords or a directly managed chapter (service contract chapters have your own elections and cannot vote in MassLandlords, Inc. elections).

The Good Neighbor Award

The Good Neighbor Award is intended to recognize a non-member’s efforts to advance property rights or to improve the quality of rental housing in Massachusetts. All addressable nominees are sent a letter of thanks. The winning nominee chosen by the membership will receive a commemorative plaque.

Nominations will be accepted until voting opens on Dec. 8. This year no one has yet been nominated for the Good Neighbor Award.

The Board of Directors

At time of writing, one member had been both nominated for election and confirmed willing to run.

Allyson Gray of East Boston is a MassLandlords member, property rights supporter, crash course graduate, and regular event attendee. Here is her personal statement, which will also be printed on the ballot:

“I believe education is central to my success in the rental business. I manage a total of 23 rental units. I have been in the rental business for 45 years, but I am not a real estate broker or an attorney. However, my rental business has benefited from the education I pursued. With the training provided by IREM, (Institute of Real Estate Management), I was awarded the ARM designation (Accredited Residential Manager) and I became a better manager of my properties. I have never stopped learning. There is so much to keep up with, from what is the best flooring, to how to deal with a hoarder, to how to navigate in the Covid world, etc.

“MassLandlords is and should continue to be both educator and lobbyist. It provides education courses for landlords, and the opportunity to talk with other landlords whether on Zoom or in person. MassLandlords also provides a fee-based advice service that is needed. The plan for three levels of certification is another education-based program that benefits our members and the world of renters. We landlords need MassLandlords to become a major player in working with legislators to write bills that best meet the needs of both landlords and tenants.”

Directors serve a five-year term. The Board of Directors has no operational responsibility, rather, their job is to oversee. In particular, they must hire or fire the person currently in the Executive Director’s role, if necessary. They must also review financial reports and verify that association business aligns with our mission.

The final deadline to submit names to appear on the ballot is Dec. 7, 2021. Write-in’s will be allowed. Submit nominations online. Log in at between Dec. 8, 2021 and Dec. 21, 2021 to view final ballots and biographies and to vote electronically.





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