MassLandlords Annual Election Results 2023

In December, MassLandlords members voted in our annual business meeting on the next director to succeed Alec Bewsee on our five-member volunteer board. We met our quorum target of 511 responses, with 730 members participating online including abstentions.

Board of Directors graph. Whiskers cover 82%. Box covers ~50% unless touching 0 or 5, in which case median line to edge is at least 50%. X is mean. Dots are response cluster outliers. Erin's box ranges from 4 to 5 and Dave's from 3 to 4, indicating stronger support for Erin.

Dave informed us that due to personal commitments he would not be campaigning. His score still indicates membership support. Erin is well known from event networking and scored best. She is our newest director. Welcome, Erin!

Who Ran in the 2023 Election?

The nominees were David Poles and Erin Zamarro, both long-time members and supporters.

Please join us in thanking David for his willingness to serve. In an organization of over 2,400 members, every bit of public spirit and volunteering adds up to an increasingly impressive state-wide organization, and a positive force for the creation of better rental housing in Massachusetts.

How was the 2023 Election Carried Out?

Voting was electronic and in-person at the Worcester event on Dec. 6. Members were asked to rate candidates on a score of 0 to 5 using a score voting ballot.

Erin Zamarro's total score was 1187, average 4.2. David Pole's total score was 810, average 3.2.  Both results show support from the membership.

Who Won the 2023 Election for Director?

Erin Zamarro has been elected to the board. This is based on receiving the highest total score out of all scores assigned.

Bylaws changes graph. Whiskers cover 82%. Box covers ~50% unless touching 0 or 5, in which case median line to edge is at least 50%. X is mean. Dots are response cluster outliers. The survey asked about apolitical succession of directors, formalizing the executive director, the privacy of lists, score voting, the annual meeting schedule, our cML mission, curtailment, monthly dues and advance notice.

All nine bylaws changes show more membership support than not. The change with the least average support is apolitical succession of directors. We know from member feedback that not everyone would like to do every job, so presumably the "no" votes here are to allow directors discretion in taking officer roles. The most controversial changes are score voting and monthly dues. We recognize drawbacks with each and will work to improve particularly the proposal for monthly dues to prevent form-hopping.

What was the result of the Bylaws Changes?

All nine bylaws changes were approved by the membership.

Apolitical succession of officers was the least well received. Conversations with members indicate that we'd like board volunteer positions to be available even if someone would rather not be President, Treasurer or Secretary, which are named offices requiring specific skillsets. The new bylaws will allow someone in line for office to pass, provided someone else is willing.

The option for a monthly dues payment schedule was supported, but not as well as some other changes (e.g., our expanded mission). We will work to come up with a dues schedule that does not allow our rental forms to be downloaded for the cost of a single month's pro-rated payment ("form hopping" or "hop on, hop off"). We will keep you posted.

A graph shows "Keep or Remove Director Sullivan?" with a vertical y-axis up to 250 and two bars rising up from the horizontal x-axis. The first bar is a sliver for "keep." The second bar is a towering height for "remove."

Most members viewing the question abstained. The final vote was 228 to 4 in favor of removal. Director Sullivan was removed effective Dec. 20.

What of the question to remove Director Sullivan?

Director Sullivan has been removed from the Board of Directors. He was to remain a member in good standing, but on Dec. 20 he asked that his membership be canceled. We have canceled it.

Member Survey graph. Whiskers cover 82%. Box covers ~50% unless touching 0 or 5, in which case median line to edge is at least 50%. X is mean. Dots are response cluster outliers. The survey asked about events, email newsletter, print newsletter, rental forms, message boards, savings, policy, connections and certification. All features are supported, but the lowest boxes are for the print newsletter and certification.

The optional back-of-ballot survey asks members to provide feedback on our core services. All services show broad support. We recognize that the Certified Massachusetts Landlord is most impactful as a self-assessment only, and not much more than that at the moment. We are working to make this distinction meaningful in the marketplace.

How did the Optional Survey Go?

It looks like participants value all of our services. The least valued services are the print newsletter and certification. We are working hard to make certification a meaningful distinction in the market and policy space. We plan to continue to let the print newsletter ride; few print subscriptions succeed nowadays but we are happy to continue delivering these at cost for members who prefer print.

How Can I Get Involved in 2024?

There are volunteer roles at the state and local level available at Nominations for 2024 will open next summer at


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