Example of a 19th century three-decker structural renovation to correct sagging floors by jacking and sistering beams and joists.
Oregon rent control took effect February 2019 and imposed just cause eviction restrictions as well as CPI + 7% maximum increases.
A guide to limited assistance representation (LAR) for landlords headed to court for eviction or other matters. Pros and cons of LAR.
Commentary prepared for the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Worcester Health and Housing Block Party on the Hill April 6, 2019.
Letter from the MassLandlords.net Executive Director for April 2019.
Right to Secrets would eliminate frivolous lawsuits and counterclaims, thereby greatly contributing to the creation of affordable housing.
Preparing for Housing Court starts with knowing the standards expected. Judge Winik shared humorous and useful insights with landlords in Cambridge.
Certain items under $2,500 that used to be depreciated may now be deducted following 2016 de minimis safe habor tax regulations.
Letter from the MassLandlords.net Executive Director for March 2019.
The MassLandlords helpline permits participating members to speak with our staff on any rental issue, any number of times, any number of issues per year.