Right to Secrets would eliminate frivolous lawsuits and counterclaims, thereby greatly contributing to the creation of affordable housing.
Preparing for Housing Court starts with knowing the standards expected. Judge Winik shared humorous and useful insights with landlords in Cambridge.
Certain items under $2,500 that used to be depreciated may now be deducted following 2016 de minimis safe habor tax regulations.
Letter from the MassLandlords.net Executive Director for March 2019.
The MassLandlords helpline permits participating members to speak with our staff on any rental issue, any number of times, any number of issues per year.
First responder calls, code violations, and overdoses drop precipitously under tough but fair hands-on management by Mike O’Rourke in downtown Worcester.
There are many bills to monitor this session, and some to support, but there are two that should be stopped now.
Without engaging local owners, Airbnb sues Boston alone, claiming the ban is unlawful for the damage it does to their business.
The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 opens up the Qualified Business Income deduction or Section 199A deduction, which applies to many landlords.
Letter from the MassLandlords.net Executive Director for February 2019.