Renters’ winter responsibilities in protecting property from cold, snow, ice and wind should be made clear from the start of tenancy.
ERMA, the state’s new Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance program, is intended to help Mass. residents impacted by COVID-19.
The MassLandlords Individual Claims Council aims to assist landlords in collecting rent arrears while solidifying housing for renters.
Letter from the Executive Director for October 2020.
“Fully Furnished” may not include basic cooking appliances
MassLandlords recently weighed in with an amicus brief in a Superior Court case challenging legality of the eviction moratorium.
Studies show that transportation affects affordability and availability of housing.
Letter from the Executive Director for September 2020.
Our 2020 Annual Business Meeting and Annual Election will be held electronically in December 2020. Now is the time to read about our election processes and nominate candidates.
A new HUD document provides guidance for housing providers considering requests to allow service and emotional support animals in rentals.