Each week, we will publish eviction data from state housing courts, with district, county and town breakdowns, and other valuable data.
Tenants may fear their belongings ending up on the sidewalk after an eviction, but Massachusetts is among many states where that is illegal
Knowing how to handle renting to roommates might avoid hassle, legal trouble, and expense later on.
Though the RAFT COVID $10,000 rental assistance limit is presented as optional, could landlords who turn it down be vulnerable to discrimination charges?
Members in good standing must vote online at MassLandlords.net/governance
Converting your rental units to condominiums may be harder than you think
Use caution when utilizing “work for rent credit” arrangements
Letter from the MassLandlords.net Executive Director for December 2020.
The City of Worcester lodging house ordinance may be vulnerable to legal challenge, especially as households merge to weather COVID-19 economic fallout.
Tax credits, which could take years or decades to pay out, are the latest proposal for stabilizing housing after the State of Emergency