July Notice for 2024 Annual Business Meeting and Elections

MassLandlords, Inc. is a 501(c)6 nonprofit trade association. Our mission is to create better rental housing in Massachusetts by helping current, new and prospective landlords run sustainable, compliant, quality businesses. We are democratically governed by our annual election for the statewide Board of Directors, as well as our ongoing policy priorities survey. The next annual election is in October 2024, and nominations are needed now.

At physical events, nominations can be placed into a box like this. Electronically, nominate using our form.

Nominations are open for our 2024 annual election. Derivative of licensed 123rf.

Two Formal Ways Members Can Give Input

MassLandlords members can steer our actions through two formal voting channels. The first is our policy priorities survey. The second is our annual election for director.

On December 31, 2024, a Director from our statewide Board of Directors must step down. Our form of term limits prohibits consecutive terms, ensuring that every election is an open race with no incumbent. (Any past director can run again in a subsequent year.) We use score voting (highest average score wins) instead of a plurality (most votes win). This diminishes the impact of polarization. The directors who get elected tend to be those widely accepted by the most members at the time.

Michele Kasabula, Outgoing Director

This winter we lose Michele Kasabula, whose term expires Dec 31, 2024. Michele has been a MassLandlords member since 2014, served on the Worcester Board of Advisors from 2018 through 2019, and is a Massachusetts real estate attorney. Having been an attorney since 2002, she has always approached her job as a MassLandlords director keeping in mind compliance and doing the right thing. At The Law Office of Michele F. Kasabula, PLLC, located in Sutton, MA, she will continue to represent buyers, seller and lenders in both residential transactions and small commercial real estate purchase and refinance transactions.

Will you or a colleague step up to carry Michele's work forward with MassLandlords? We have a great team of Directors in place.

Reach Out to Us

Each region where MassLandlords members meet has a local network and message board and in many cases a volunteer board. The local volunteer boards may be by appointment or by local decision.

You can also run for state-wide director yourself. But remember it’s a state-wide race! You will need to prepare a biography detailing what you can bring to the Board and what is your vision of MassLandlords in five years. You will also need to campaign on the message boards at a minimum.

The Board of Directors

Nominate someone for Board of Directors online or by emailing hello@masslandlords.net. Members in good standing can learn more about our bylaws and voting at MassLandlords.net/governance.

Read more about our Annual Business Meeting and Annual Elections.

Nominations are Open

Nominate yourself or a member for MassLandlords Board of Directors.



A cartoon of a ballot box with a narrow slot on top, and an Annual Ballot being inserted into the slot by hand. The MassLandlords logo is visible in the background with tulip, brick foundation, and blade of grass. Licensed 123rf 61058618_s – Derivative work. MassLandlords not-for-profit tax status, bylaws, elections, and other governance matters. Some portions are public, others members-only. Updated '23 results
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