Worcester Property Owners Association
Landlords Working Together
Member Quicklinks
- WPOA Benefits
- WPOA Documents
- Worcester message board (Google groups)
- Upcoming Meetings
- Renew Membership
- Past meetings can now be viewed on our Worcester rental real estate networking and training page.
The Worcester Property Owners Association is Worcester County's oldest landlord group. The organization was formed in the 1940's, formally incorporated in Massachusetts in the 1980's, and restructured as a modern not-for-profit trade organization in 2013. Click here for a detailed history.
How to Join
Go to an upcoming event or join online for immediate access:
Meeting Location
The Worcester in-person event series ended during the pandemic. We hope to be back soon! For a full list of other meetings, view the Event Calendar.
The Certified Massachusetts Landlord™
Members of this chapter are eligible to be certified.
Contact the WPOA
Leave a voicemail and we'll get back to you asap: 774-314-1896
Email us: hello@masslandlords.net