Unbelievably Good News About Court Records

800px_John_Adams_Courthouse_SJC_Massachusetts_by_swampyank_wikimediaAs you are no doubt aware, Housing Court records have been freely searchable at MassCourts.org for a few years now.

Many evictions take place in District Court. We asked the team at "eaccess" when these records would join those of housing court online. Back in September, Jane at eaccess said,

At the present time, the District Court is not making its records available on masscourts.org. District Court records are available on public PCs located within the court houses.

"Yes, but is there any plan to put them online?" we asked.

As stated previously, at the present time, the District Court is not making its records available on masscourts.org.

Well, without saying a word to us, they went and did it. District Court records are now available online.

As far as we know, this means 100% of eviction records are now searchable online.

When you search for records, use the court covering the tenant's previous address. Check both district and housing courts. You must be thorough. There is no way to plug in a tenant's name and have it search all courts.

That's fine. Put an extra ten minutes into your eviction check and that investment of your time will more than pay for itself.



