Eviction Movers

After you've been to court and received a judgment in a summary process case, you can execute that judgment by hiring a moving company to move out the tenants' belongings.

You can pick only a very few movers.  They must be bonded, insured, and approved by the Commonwealth.  This safeguards the property of the tenants.  You can't hire just anyone. In Massachusetts, we don't throw people's belongings into the street.

The tenant has the right to request that their belongings be moved to their new residence or to a specific storage facility.  They must fill out a form with the mover or deputy. The facility they request may not be more than 20 miles away.

Official List at Mass.gov
MassLandlords does not maintain a separate list of move & store providers except what's at the the Directory.

Click here for the official list of bonded and insured eviction movers.


Regional Notes

As the landlord, you can choose any mover and any storage facility, so long as your notice to the tenant indicates which facility. The 20 mile limit is confusing and should be read in view of the 2011 Guidance from DPS (applies only to tenant requests):

This advisory was sent to us by Alan Jeskey.

Eviction Movers Proxima

Proxima Eviction Moving and Storage is a MassLandlords advertiser



