MassLandlords Annual Election Results 2020: Landrum, Vetstein and Roubicek Greenman
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.In December, MassLandlords members voted in our annual business meeting on the next director to succeed Pietro Curini on our five-member volunteer board. We met our quorum target of 413 responses, with 474 members participating online, including abstentions.

Steffen Landrum has been elected to a five-year term on the statewide Board of Directors.
Board of Directors
Members were asked to rate candidates on a score of 1 to 5 using a score voting ballot. The nominees were Steffen Landrum and Sanjiv Reejhsinghani, both long-time members and strong supporters.
Steffen Landrum’s total score was 753, average 4.2. Sanjiv Reejhsinghani’s total score was 735, average 4.0. It was a very close election. Steffen Landrum has been elected to the board.
Please join us in thanking both Sanjiv and Steffen for their willingness to serve. In an organization of over 2,000 members, every bit of public spirit and volunteering adds up to an increasingly impressive state-wide organization, and a positive force for the creation of better rental housing in Massachusetts. There are volunteer roles at the state and local level available at
Good Neighbor 2021
Members were asked to choose the winner of a ceremonial “Good Neighbor Award.” This award recognizes non-members who go out of their way to further our mission to create better rental housing. This year the nominees were the late Chief Justice Ralph Gants, and a joint ticket of attorney Richard Vetstein and attorney Jordana Roubicek Greenman. The wording of their nominations was as follows:
Chief Justice Ralph Gants was the highest-ranking leader in state government to have called a convening of stakeholders, including many landlord and renter viewpoints, to collaboratively prevent both loss of rental housing and evictions. His untimely passing leaves a vacuum of leadership, as no one else has tried to get state officials, renters, and landlords talking.
Rich Vetstein and Jordana Roubicek Greenman defended property rights and equal access to justice in the face of withering political and personal opposition by taking the unfunded eviction moratorium to state and federal court. Their cases likely shortened the duration of the eviction moratorium. They remain on standby in case the eviction moratorium is reenacted.

Attorney Jordana Roubicek Greenman is a MassLandlords Good Neighbor Award Winner 2021.

Attorney Rich Vetstein is a MassLandlords Good Neighbor Award Winner 2021.
The late Chief Justice received a total score of 660 , average score 4.3. Attorneys Vetstein and Roubicek Greenman received a total score of 719, average 4.5. This was another close outcome! Attorneys Vetstein and Roubicek Greenman are the MassLandlords Good Neighbors for 2021.
In lieu of the usual in-person presentation, the commemorative plaques for outgoing director and 2021 good neighbors will be mailed.
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It is never too early to get involved in state leadership.