MassLandlords Board Election December 2nd through 16th

Russell Sabadosa Seeking Election

Russell Sabadosa of East Longmeadow has been nominated to the board of directors. Members will vote to approve his nomination during our annual election cycle. This year elections are open December 2 through December 16. The last day for nominations is Friday November 25. (Write-in’s are allowed, but, well, good luck with that. It’s best if we can help you advertise in advance.)

Russell Sabadosa of East Longmeadow is seeking election to the MassLandlords Board of Directors.

We Need YOU to Steer MassLandlords by Voting

MassLandlords, Inc. is a 501(c)6 nonprofit trade association. Our mission is to create better rental housing. We help owners rent their property. We also advocate for better laws. Each year we must elect a new director to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors hires, fires, oversees and guides the Executive Director, who carries out the mission. Members who pay dues directly to MassLandlords are eligible to vote and to stand for election to the board.

This year elections will take place online and at two physical locations in Massachusetts. Online voting will run from Friday December 2 through Friday December 16 (or until quorum is achieved). In-person voting will take place in Springfield on Thursday, December 8 and in Worcester on Wednesday December 14 at regularly scheduled meetings. All members in good standing as of Tuesday, November 22 may vote.

Our five directors serve five year terms each. In 2016 we say farewell to director Jane Gasek, whose term expires at midnight on December 31. Under our version of term limits, Jane may not run for re-election in this year, although she may run again in 2017. This leaves one seat open for election.

Our other directors are Mike O’Rourke (through 2017), Yvonne DiBenedetto (2018), Joyce Nierodzinski (2019), Pietro Curini (2020) and Russell Sabadosa, whose sixth seat was created by special member resolution and lasts until September 14, 2017. Russell is seeking election so that he has another five years. If he wins, his temporary seat will be dissolved and we will return to the normal five directors.

All members with membership level “Digital”, “WPOA”, “RHAGS” or “Charles River” are eligible to vote. Members with membership level “MWPOA”, “SWCLA”, or “SPOA” have paid dues directly to a different legal entity. SWCLA, MWPOA, and SPOA members receive all MassLandlords benefits by contract with their local group, but are not voting members for the purpose of elections.

You Might Also Considering Standing for Election as Director

To stand for election as a director, you must be a Digital, WPOA, RHAGS or Charles River member in good standing. You must provide us with a typed, proofread biography (200 words or less) and a statement of your vision for MassLandlords (50 words or less). Your biography must indicate your past volunteer experience with MassLandlords or local landlord groups (if none, say “none”) and when you first joined as a member. (If you do not provide this, we may edit your biography based on our records.) You may provide us with a picture (we encourage this).

Please declare your candidacy and submit materials to no later than close of business Friday November 25, 2016. Members can read our bylaws at

See the October edition of the newsletter for “Details for Prospective Candidates,” which gives you some idea of how to do it and what the expectation is.

Want to help, but not sure you want so much responsibility? Think of something to contribute and ask your local emcee, manager or president if you can get started.





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