First Semiannual Policy Forum Mobilizes Landlords for Rent Escrow
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The Southbridge Hotel and Conference center is close to the geographic center of the state. It will be the home of the policy forum going forward.
2017: The first MassLandlords Policy Forum mobilized testimony for rent escrow. The next forum is scheduled for April 14, 2018.
On Saturday, September 23, thirteen owners and managers from around Massachusetts attended the first Semiannual MassLandlords Policy Forum in Southbridge. The event coordinated grassroots outreach to support Rent Escrow bill H.980.
Peter Vickery, MassLandlords Legislative Affairs Counsel, trained attendees on the democratic process in Massachusetts. Although 85% of the legislature is held by the Democratic Party, only one-third of voters are enrolled Democrats.
Vickery’s message was that alternative strategies may prove effective even if the legislature is uninterested in a particular issue.
Doug Quattrochi, MassLandlords Executive Director, showed attendees how MassLandlords sets priorities using the Policy Priorities Survey, local Boards of Advisors, and the annual election for Director.
All event attendees were trained in talking points to support H.980, scheduled to be heard Tuesday September 26. Four attendees crafted their testimony for hearing with help from MassLandlords staff and attendees.
MassLandlords wishes to extend special thanks to the participants: Jessica Berard, Bea Cole, Eden Frye, Peter Shapiro, An Dinh, Hien Nguyen, Jim Hallihan, Thea Costine, Rich Trifone, Laurian Banciulescu, and Tom Guertin.
The next policy forum will be April 14, 2018.