Worcester and Central Mass Updates for August 2016

Central MA Drought Watch, Worcester Using 3x More Water Than Boston

According to the Telegram, central and eastern parts of Massachusetts are now under the first “drought watch” in 15 years. A full-blown drought has occurred only once every 24 years since 1920.

The Telegram reports that Boston uses 23 million gallons per day, compared with Worcester’s 28 million gallons per day. In terms of per capita usage, this means Worcester uses three times as much water as Boston.

Worcester and Holden residents may not use an irrigation system between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. or during rainstorms or wash driveways or sidewalks. If we don’t get usage under control and rainfall doesn’t significantly increase, wells may run dry before the winter.

Next Gen 911 Dispatch Center to Eliminate “Radio Dark” Sections of Worcester, Leicester

According to Worcester Magazine, the new dispatch center on Coppage Drive in Worcester (near the airport) will be the first time 911 calls can use modern technology. Also, first responders will be able to use radio to communicate from any part of the two municipalities. Previously sections were “radio dark”. Also, all calls had to be routed through State Police.

Comedian Fool John Oliver reported in May that many 911 dispatch centers were woefully behind-the-times. This new center brings Worcester a huge step forward and could reasonably be expected to save many lives.

Alex Corrales Takes over Worcester Housing Authority to Build on “A Better Life”

As reported by the Telegram, long-time Worcester Housing Authority (WHA) manager Alex Corrales has taken the reins at the most innovative of Massachusetts’ 260 housing authorities. He intends to support his predecessor’s program, “A Better Life,” which MassLandlords has reported on in the past.
“I’ve seen it change lives,” Corrales said, according to the Telegram. “I’ve had people walk into my office thanking us - saying, without the push, without the resources, they wouldn’t have gotten to the finish line.”

“A Better Life” requires residents to send one family member to work or to school, or else face eviction. Numerous resources are available to help residents rise to the challenge. As reported by MassLandlords, as of February, not one family had been evicted under the program.Anchor





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