Our Letter from the Executive Director for February 2023 looks back at January’s flurry of bill filing, Boston rent control and more.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development will reimburse thousands for lead paint remediation through cities making use of their grant-funded Healthy Homes Program.
How does a Boston rental compare to a London flat? What residential technology is different in the U.K. vs the U.S. and is it better or worse?
If your tenant is renewing their lease, when can you leave the existing security deposit in place, and when should you return it and take a new one?
We’ve drafted nearly a dozen reforms to improve the quality of rental housing in Massachusetts for housing providers and renters alike.
Thank you for your responses to the survey of MassLandlords services as part of our annual election.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for January 2023 looks back at December’s progress and looks ahead at what 2023 might bring.
The recently signed Inflation Reduction Act will provide billions of dollars to help landlords transition away from fossil fuel energy.
Case law in Massachusetts suggests pet rent is probably okay, but a separate pet deposit may be unlawful.