This article goes in-depth on the Massachusetts laws and regulations that impact how and whether landlords can charge for solar.
New server lays foundation for market certification coming in 2019, saves cost, reduces latency.
Letter from the Executive Director for May 2019.
Massachusetts parking requirements present an obstacle to the creation of new affordable housing. Should we change the way we vote to repeal space minimums?
Cambridge Street Realty v Stewart decides on defective notices, showcases years-long court process.
“Age of Evictions: As Rents Soar in Boston” article by Jenifer McKim and Alejandro Serrano fundamentally false. Globe refuses to publish corrections.
Example of a 19th century three-decker structural renovation to correct sagging floors by jacking and sistering beams and joists.
Oregon rent control took effect February 2019 and imposed just cause eviction restrictions as well as CPI + 7% maximum increases.
A guide to limited assistance representation (LAR) for landlords headed to court for eviction or other matters. Pros and cons of LAR.
Commentary prepared for the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Worcester Health and Housing Block Party on the Hill April 6, 2019.