MassLandlords wants to hear from landlords and attorneys on our Use and Occupancy Motion Survey. Was your motion granted?
Why legislators and renter advocates need to work with landlords to craft housing policy.
Letter from the Executive Director for November 2019.
A review of the first-in-the-nation Berkeley, CA natural gas ban and whether natural gas should be banned in Massachusetts as well.
Volunteers are needed to steer local and state-wide decisions. It’s also time to recognize the good neighbors of 2019.
Letter from the Executive Director for October 2019.
This article addresses how to raise the rent in the context of Massachusetts business best practices. We link to Massachusetts rent raise laws.
Letter from the Executive Director for September 2019.
Sandra Katz, President and Owner of QPM Services, past president of the Worcester Property Owners Association, passed July 27, 2019.
Learn these five Massachusetts eviction myths and understand why the housing crisis is not being solved by current proposals.