Landlords can claim the Inflation Reduction Act Residential Clean Energy credits in tax year 2024, 2025 and after.
The Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation distributed around $750 million to small businesses during the pandemic, but an audit discovered funds were not always correctly managed.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for January 2025 reviews the ongoing work we’re doing with Mass Save, monthly dues and eviction research.
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Two property owners responded to our outreach to donate unbuildable urban lots. We plan to turn the lots into thriving mini-forests.
Only collect the fees the state allows, and if the tenant changes their mind before lease signing, refund them. Deposits to hold an apartment, aka “hold fees,” are not lawful.
Our 2024 election concluded without election of a director. This seat will be deferred to 2025.
Sweeping order to issue against city in MassLandlords vs. City of Boston over public records from the rent stabilization advisory committee.
The Eastern Housing Court ruled that tenants’ counterclaim in their summary process case did not meet the burden of proof for retaliation.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for November 2024 details two grants we’re pitching for, plus our work to modernize our services and offerings.