Though protections for genetic information primarily apply to employers, landlords must also be aware of the law.
A study on the state of rent control found problems with inspections, rent increases and accessibility. There’s no guarantee history wouldn’t repeat itself if rent control were reinstated.
The legality of the Boston eviction moratorium is adjudicated in housing court, as it weighs whether to grant a stay on the moratorium pending appeal.
Amicus brief filed by MassLandlords argues that the act establishing the eviction moratorium specifically did not restrict a landlord from attempting to recover rent
Housing discrimination allegations against Monica Blazic include a preference for white tenants and denying disability accommodations
Our Letter from the Executive Director for March 2022 discusses our opposition to local rent control and right of first refusal, gives an update on our public records lawsuit and provides some business updates.
Oppose local control of housing policy. Rent control and right of first refusal will have exclusionary effects. Zoning reform is what's needed.
Rent Control: H.1378 and its companion S.886; H1440 and its companion S889; H.3721, H4229 Right to Purchase: H.1426 and its companion S890; H4208 Our elected officials depend on a connection with their constituents to get reelected. If they aren’t aware of what’s good and bad, they will make bad choices.…
In DHCD’s motion to dismiss MassLandlords’ public records lawsuit, we learned that more than half of all applications for rental assistance have been denied, and as many as one third are lost to supervision among the regional administering agencies.
"Why do you care and what is it your business what Michelle Wu does to provide affordable housing in Boston?" is the question of the day from Jim Braude, Boston Public Radio.