Annual Elections 2018: Nominations Open
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It takes a lot of special people to operate MassLandlords, including speakers (red tags), property rights supporters (green tags), and local and state board members (blue tags). Help us identify who should get a blue ribbon next.
Board of Directors
The role of the Board of Directors is to oversee MassLandlords’ operations. Five directors serve staggered five-year terms each. The Board oversee and evaluate the Executive Director, who hires staff to carry out the association’s mission.
The Board of Directors represents a cross-section of the membership in terms of business size. The smallest business perspective on the Board is a one-unit business; the largest is over 60 units. The most important qualifications are critical and independent thinking, consensus-oriented communication style, and a desire to give back by helping other owners run their businesses. The Board of Directors serve without compensation. Their only perk is the occasional meal that accompanies a board meeting.
Any member who pays dues directly to MassLandlords can run directly for the state-wide Board of Directors. The list of directly operated regions includes, from west to east, Greater Springfield, Holyoke, Central Worcester, Charles River, Lawrence, Cambridge, and all Digital members. Members in these regions can also volunteer (no election necessary) for their local Board of Advisors.
If your membership is for Berkshire County, Southern Worcester County, Northern Worcester County, or MetroWest, you are in a partner association. This means you can run for your local Board of Directors. Speak with your local president to find out more.
The bylaws for our state-wide association require a director to step down each year. A director cannot run for the seat they just held. They can wait a year and run for the next seat after. This ensures a continuous opportunity for fresh perspective. In December of this year, we will lose MassLandlords President Yvonne DiBenedetto. Will you follow her example and run for election? Submit nominations for yourself or others to
Good Neighbor Award
At elections we also vote on non-members who have gone out of their way to help private owners. These nominees are called “Good Neighbors.” The Good Neighbor Award will go to the person chosen by the membership to be most worthy of public recognition.
All nominees will receive special thanks from the MassLandlords Executive Director as well as mention in our newsletter. It’s a great way for you to thank a local police officer, elected official, plumber, or friend for helping you in your business. Nominations for Good Neighbor Award can also be submitted to
MassLandlords is a 501(c)6 nonprofit trade association. Our mission is to create better rental housing in Massachusetts by helping new, current, and prospective owners run profitable, compliant, quality businesses.