MassLandlords Deleading Bill Assigned to Committee on Revenue

This Article Refers to a Previous Legislative Session
The two-year legislative session results in all bills filed that session being discarded.

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One of the many bills MassLandlords submitted this legislative session was “An Act to Further Lead Remediation in Rental Housing by Increasing the Deleading Credit.” Initially assigned as 193 SD 862 in the Senate and 193 HD 2630 in the House, this bill stands to increase the deleading credit offered by the state from $1,500 to $15,000 per unit.

The bill, filed at the start of the year, received 12 co-sponsors in the Senate and 18 co-sponsors in the House. In February, the bill was sent to the Joint Committee on Revenue for further study. The Joint Committee on Revenue is tasked with examining matters relating to federal financial assistance, state fees, and revenue-related tax issues, among others.

Bills are given new numbers when sent to committee. “An Act to Further Lead Remediation in Rental Housing by Increasing the Deleading Credit” is now known as S.1844 and H.2802 in the Senate and House, respectively. We will continue to update our members on how MassLandlords is making strides to effect housing change in the Commonwealth as these and other bills progress.

Deleading Overview and Training

A close-up of a wall covered in flaking gray lead paint. Over the left side of the image, a banner with the MassLandlords logo reads "Deleading Overview and Training." Video training for Massachusetts lead law and how landlords are caught in a legal Catch-22. We must delead! Learn all about deleading.
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