MassLandlords Annual Elections


2022-10-04 Business Update – MassLandlords Annual Elections

Resource Person:

Douglas Quattrochi - Doug

[Start 0:00:00]

Hello! My name is Doug Quattrochi. I’m the executive director of MassLandlords, and today’s business update is about our upcoming elections.

I hope you know that MassLandlords is a 501(c) (6) nonprofit trade association as a federal categorization, and at the state level, we’re incorporated under Chapter 180. That means we exist for the benefit of member businesses like yours.

There are two ways members can get involved and direct MassLandlords.

The first is our ongoing policy priority survey where we propose a bunch of different policy ideas, and we ask you to weigh in, whether you strongly agree with this proposal, strongly agree, or somewhere in the middle. This policy priority survey runs all the time, and I encourage you to fill this in whenever it’s convenient for you and update your preferences over time.

Once a year, we have our annual election for directors, so we have five directors that serve staggered five-year terms. Each year, our form of term limits requires one director to step down, so we always have an open seat and no incumbent problem.

Here we have Rich Merlino, who’s stepping down this year. He’s been a fantastic volunteer in the last five years and even before that as Worcester event emcee. We have an open seat, so you’re not going as an incumbent. If you want to run or if you want to nominate somebody, please do that. Being on the board of directors is a great way to get an inside look at how MassLandlords operates. We talk about website conversion rates, financials, policy, and plan litigation.

It really only takes two things to be on the board of directors.. You need to have a statement, a biography, and a vision for MassLandlords, so here’s an example of Patrick’s statement from last election. It’s just who he is and where he liked to take MassLandlords. Everybody who runs produces one of this, and then you need to let folks know about you that you’re running and why they should vote for you.

A good way to campaign is on the Facebook message board or on the other message boards. You can be added to any of this if you like, and as in-person events to ramp up especially in some of the partner associations already and our crash course and so on, it’s a good chance to get out and meet people in real life.

If you’re interested in running yourself or if you’d like to nominate somebody you know from message boards or an event, go ahead and do so at That will redirect to the governance elections nominations page you see there.

Elections are open only to members, but it’s not too late to join. Join us, and you can still participate in this year’s annual election.

[End 0:02:26]




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