Worcester/CMHA Unveil Plans for Daytime Resource Center to Help Unhoused
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.By Kimberly Rau, MassLandlords, Inc.
The city of Worcester announced in November 2024 that it was partnering with the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA) to open a day resource center intended to connect the city’s unhoused population with essential resources, including housing and employment services, and access to showers. This day resource center stands to improve the quality of life in Worcester for all, including landlords and renters, though they may never utilize its resources directly.

134 Gold Street, the planned site for the Worcester day resource center. (Image: Google Earth)
CMHA is in the process of acquiring two properties for the project. They plan to use the property at 134 Gold St. for the center itself, with a parking lot at 5 Sargent St. The nonprofit’s bid on the 20,000-square-foot Gold Street structure was accepted in late 2024. Money to purchase and renovate the sites will partially come from interest generated from American Rescue Plan Act funds. The city has conditionally pledged $4 million toward the goal.
Worcester released a five-year strategic plan in September 2024 that includes six priority goals for the city. The second goal on that list addresses “affordable neighborhoods and reduced homelessness.” Priorities for this goal include facilitating permanent supportive housing, emergency shelters and constructing a day resource center.
Worcester’s day resource center is scheduled to open in 2026.
What Is a Day Resource Center?
A day resource center is designed to allow people experiencing homelessness access to multiple resources in one location. Open during daytime hours, the center will offer bathroom and shower facilities, as well as charging stations, laundry machines and storage lockers. Lack of access to any of these essentials can be detrimental to housing and job searches.
It will also provide an indoor space – warm in winter, cool in summer – for those experiencing homelessness to spend time during daytime hours.
Even if an individual has a bed in a shelter, shelters do not allow residents to remain on premises during the day. People staying in the shelter must leave, and return only in the late afternoon or early evening. Shelters may not always have daytime storage available for personal belongings, either.
At the resource center, individuals will also be able to connect with outreach workers who may be able to help with other resources and services. All people experiencing homelessness will be able to access the center and utilize its resources.
Leah Bradley, Executive Director of CMHA, spoke with MassLandlords and expressed great enthusiasm for the project.
“We are really excited to be partnering with the city to help our unhoused neighbors,” she said, noting that the goal of the resource center will be to limit the amount of time people are unhoused.
Worcester City Manager Eric Batista has expressed similar sentiments.
“This is a big step forward for the city,” Batista stated in a November 2024 press release.  “[The center] will help us connect individuals experiencing homelessness with the services they need to secure housing and employment. This is another example of community partnerships working together to uplift the city.”

The housing crisis affects individuals across Massachusetts, as evidenced by this image from Boston. (Image: Gunnar Ridderström for Unsplash)
Unhoused Population Grows in Worcester
Plans for the center have come at a time when the unhoused population in Worcester County continues to rise. Data released by CMHA, and reported by WGBH in June 2024, showed that 1,927 people in the area were unhoused, up 20% from 2023, when the unhoused population was 1,607. Of those 1,927 individuals, 718 were children under age 18, and 100 were individuals between the ages of 18 and 24.
The uptick in 2024 signified the third consecutive year that rates of homelessness have risen in the county. When talking to WGBH, Bradley indicated that a lack of affordable housing and higher rents are primary culprits for the increase. Other reports show that homelessness is a multifaceted issue, where mental health, sudden life events and substance use, among other factors including lack of funds, contribute to the problem. We have also reported on the many issues that contribute to the state’s housing crisis, including exclusionary zoning that prices many people out of the housing and rental market.
And while everyone has a right to be in public spaces, the public spaces that exist don’t meet everyone’s needs. The day center will help alleviate the problems that arise when those without access to resources attempt to make do with the ones that are available.
Consider this scenario: You are a prospective renter who believes in using public transportation. You find an apartment you like in Worcester, so you take the commuter rail into the city for a tour. When you step off the train at Union Station, no matter what time of day it is, you will find at least a couple of people sitting on the ground. If the bathrooms aren’t presently out of order, you will likely find someone attempting to use the facilities to wash up. This part of the scenario isn’t hypothetical; nor is it unique to Union Station. And it’s not ideal for anyone involved. A day center will provide people the opportunity to meet their basic needs with dignity, and will help keep places like the train station utilized for their intended purposes only.
Next Generation Gets Involved
Thirty students at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute worked with the city of Worcester to develop ideas and plans for the day resource center as part of WPI’s Great Problems Seminar. The seminar is a two-term course that allows first-year students to engage with tangible, local projects. Students worked in small groups to conduct in-person research, allowing them to incorporate relevant elements into their proposed plans. Some suggestions included areas for pets, lockers and private areas for confidential meetings.
The finished projects were presented and displayed at Worcester City Hall in December 2024. City officials reviewed the plans for potential inclusion in the center’s final plans.
Homelessness is a problem that impacts everyone. When people have access to resources and day-to-day living essentials, it becomes easier to find a job and secure housing. Anything that helps lessen the housing crisis is good news for housing providers.
When speaking with us this week, Bradley indicated that CMHA is looking forward to engaging with a variety of stakeholders as the process moves forward. She encouraged anyone interested in helping with the project to email info@cmhaonline.org.