Southern Worcester County Landlord Association Southbridge Dinner Meeting Mon Feb 3rd, 7 pm: Eviction Sealing Law & More with Doug Quattrochi

event marketing picture showing zoom details, date, and speaker or topic for eviction sealing law dinner meeting 2025-02-03
1st monday

Our speaker will be Doug Quattrochi, Executive Director of His main topic will be the recently enacted Massachusetts Eviction Sealing Law which goes into effect the 5th of May.

The law is complex, involving several different procedures for different types of tenant evictions. In a nutshell, tenants have the right to seal their eviction records from public view and have them removed from their credit reports. Consequently, the law takes away a critical screening tool from landlords.

Doug will further explain this new law and how we might navigate through it. He will also talk about the new legislative session and update us on member benefits.

Public Ticket
(early bird)
Member Ticket
(early bird)
Public Ticket Member Ticket
Southbridge Dinner Meeting - Mon February 3
Eviction Sealing Law & More with Doug Quattrochi
Members only
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SWCLA members pay
annual dues then free

Monday, February 3rd

SWCLA Dinner Meeting Agenda

  • 7:00p Event Start


Southbridge Community Center (aka Casaubon Senior Center)
153 Chestnut St.
Southbridge, MA 01550


Open to SWCLA Members only. Pay annual SWCLA dues then free.

  • SWCLA members only: No charge.
  • General public, in person meeting is free the first time, then pay $50/yr for membership.

This event will not be recorded.

Slides and handouts if any will be uploaded to SWCLA.


This event is operated by volunteers at a partner association.



Property Rights Supporter



Eviction Movers Proxima
