Southern Worcester County Landlord Association Southbridge Dinner Meeting Mon Apr 1st: Cornerstone Bank: Rental Payments and Security Deposits

event marketing picture showing zoom details, date, and speaker or topic for cornerstone bank dinner meeting 2024-04-01
1st monday

Dan D’Amico, Alison Nugent and Robert A. Mangan from Cornerstone Bank are excited to share information about two dynamic services that will help landlords save time as well as organize how they track rental payments and security deposits.

The two services are ZEscrow and ZRent. These two products will make rent collection and managing security deposit accounts easier for landlords by saving time while providing robust reports. The ZEscrow product also offers the ability for landlords to send and receive W9 forms electronically while managing sub accounts without having to go to the bank. ZRent gives landlords the option to offer tenants the option to pay rent electronically. Both services are free to Cornerstone Bank customers. As we discussed we can provide a demonstration using your projector.

Should any of your members have questions regarding the service, we can be reached at the following email address: This email will come to our entire team.

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Southbridge Dinner Meeting - Mon April 1
Cornerstone Bank: Rental Payments and Security Deposts
Members only
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SWCLA members pay
annual dues then free

Monday, April 1st

SWCLA Dinner Meeting Agenda

  • 7:00p Event Start


Southbridge Community Center (aka Casaubon Senior Center)
153 Chestnut St.
Southbridge, MA 01550


Open to SWCLA Members only. Pay annual SWCLA dues then free.

  • SWCLA members only: No charge.
  • General public, in person meeting is free the first time, then pay $50/yr for membership.

This event will not be recorded.

Slides and handouts if any will be uploaded to SWCLA.


This event is operated by volunteers at a partner association.




