2020 Elections

Voting closed on December 23 at 10 pm.

To vote, you must be logged-in and be a member in good standing.

Log in or join to vote in next year's election.


We met our quorum target of 413, with 474 members participating online including abstentions.

Steffen Landrum’s total score was 753, average 4.2. Sanjiv Reejhsinghani’s total score was 735, average 4.0. It was a very close election. Steffen Landrum has been elected to the board.

For good neighbor, the late Chief Justice received a total score of 660, average score 4.3. Attorneys Vetstein and Roubicek Greenman received a total score of 719, average 4.5. Attorneys Vetstein and Roubicek Greenman are the MassLandlords Good Neighbors for 2021.

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Electronic Ballot

This ballot uses “score voting,” which produces higher voter satisfaction than “pick one” systems. Score your choice on a scale of 1 “strongly opposed” to 5 “strongly desired”. No decimals or fractions.

Votes are tied to your authenticated account. Click "Submit" below to have your votes recorded. If after clicking submit you wish to change your vote, you may do so while voting remains open: simply update this ballot and click "Submit" again.

Viewing this page without clicking submit will count as an abstention.

Question One: Director

Thank Pietro Curini for serving on our Board of Directors. The 2020 Board of Directors will consist of the following individuals:

  • Through 2025: To Be Determined by this Ballot
  • Through 2024: Michele Kasabula; 2023: Alec Bewsee; 2022: Rich Merlino; 2021: Russell Sabadosa

Nominees had the option of running on name recognition alone or submitting a biography and vision statement.

Steffen Landrum


I have a wide array of experiences to bring to the Board of Directors. I was born to teenage parents in what was then known as the Bromley-Heath Housing Projects in Boston. I'm a benefactor of social programs. I started on welfare Head Start and from there went to high school at Lincoln Sudbury through METCO. I enlisted in the army and served for five years, with a leave to start and complete college at Bridgewater State. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Aviation Science, was commissioned as an army officer (lieutenant), and flew as an army aviator for six years. I then transferred to the air national guard. I've flown C-130s, C-21s, Hueys, and Black Hawks. Simultaneously I became an airline pilot for a regional carrier (an express branch of a major airline). I became a pilot for United Airlines in 2013, where I’m now a 737 captain. All this time I've helped my father maintain the rentals he has since bought, and I bought my first property in 2011 (a two-family). I’ve grown to roughly 18 units across four properties, nine units of which are commercial. I have two properties in Boston, two in Worcester. I use and highly value the MassLandlords services, forms, and training.

Vision Statement:

If elected I want to make sure that MassLandlords continues both education and policy advocacy. First, MassLandlords needs to provide a resource and an educational outlet to create a pathway to professional landlordship. We need to help the mom and pop type of landlord bridge the gap between typical mom and pop operations and huge developments run by large real estate companies. We fit in the middle. Once you get beyond one or two properties, you're not quite at the skyscraper hundred-unit complex, but on the other hand you’re not just the "one property, owner occupy" walking up and down the stairs to fix the sink. Our pathway to professional landlordship through networking, education, and resourcing has been critical for me and I want to make sure many others can benefit. Second, I would also like MassLandlords to provide an organized, unified, and succinct voice to advocate for our position as professional landlords to our political constituents. We need to build on and enhance what’s been started with the property rights supporter program, in effect a grassroots political action committee. I contribute to this program and know the value it can deliver for you and how to take it to the next level the way larger organizations do.

Your Rating of Steffen Landrum:

Sanjiv Reejhsinghani


My name is Sanjiv Reejhsinghani, Esquire, and I am a real estate/landlord tenant attorney, as well as a real estate broker, practicing in the Springfield, MA (western Massachusetts area). As a property manager to several properties, I have immersed myself both in the legal and practical aspects of being a good landlord, and I have worked diligently to to perfect my skill set in this regard. Having been a member of RHAGS (Rental Housing Association of Greater Springfield) and MassLandlords for several years, I have attended almost every program for the last 5-plus years, as well as the Landlord Crash Course. I am also an active member of the Western Massachusetts Real Estate Investor Association, and I have even served as a guest lecturer at its inaugural real estate investor symposium in 2019. I have litigated cases in the Western Division Housing Court, and I understand the nuances of landlord-tenant law to the degree that I feel my presence would be beneficial to other, non-attorney Board Members of MassLandlords. Throughout these past many months, I have attended 3-4 web programs every month sponsored by MassLandlords, and I feel I can contribute much to the future success of this great organization.

Vision Statement:

I believe that part of the vision and future goal of MassLandlords is to get as many landlord voices in front of as many important stakeholders as possible at the state level. This includes getting landlords in front of event speakers, at each chapter's local level, that are true arbiters in the decision-making processes affecting the future of the business of land-lording. These speakers include elected state senators, state representatives, as well as judges in the Housing Courts and District Courts of the Commonwealth. While some judges have attended our programs, I believe the organization can improve by allowing landlords the opportunity to interact with their respective locally-elected officials, who will have a decisive impact on creating future public policy regarding housing law, as well as eviction moratorium laws, and the like, in the future.

Your Rating of Sanjiv Reejhsinghani:


Your Rating of Write-in: ()

Voting closed on December 23, 2020.

Question Two: Good Neighbor (Optional)

Recognize a member of the public who has gone above and beyond to create better rental housing or better public policy.

Rich Vetstein and Jordana Roubicek Greenman

Rich Vetstein and Jordana Roubicek Greenman defended property rights and equal access to justice in the face of withering political and personal opposition by taking the unfunded eviction moratorium to state and federal court. Their cases likely shortened the duration of the eviction moratorium. They remain on standby in case the eviction moratorium is reenacted.

Your Rating of Rich Vetstein and Jordana Roubicek Greenman:

Chief Justice Ralph Gants (in memoriam)

Chief Justice Ralph Gants was the highest-ranking leader in state government to have called a convening of stakeholders, including many landlord and renter viewpoints, to collaboratively prevent both loss of rental housing and evictions. His untimely passing leaves a vacuum of leadership, as no one else has tried to get state officials, renters, and landlords talking.

Your Rating of Chief Justice Ralph Gants:

Question Three: Member Survey (Optional)

Rate these services of MassLandlords on a scale of 1 “strongly dislike current offering” to 5 “strongly value current offering”. “Indifferent” would be a 2 or 3.

Your Rating of Meetings and events:

Your Rating of the email newsletter:

Your Rating of the print newsletter:

Your Rating of the downloadable rental forms:

Your Rating of the message boards:

Your Rating of cost savings at Home Depot, SmartScreen, and other service providers:

Your Rating of public policy advocacy (eviction moratorium, rent cancellation, rent escrow, etc.):

Your Rating of The Certified Massachusetts Landlord™:

For the purpose of this vote, active voting membership will be 1,650. Quorum of 25% will be 413 members. Write-in's will be combined and checked against bylaws requirements (e.g., active member in good standing as of record date). Candidate with highest total score will win.

Voting closed on December 23 at 10 pm.




