Open Questions and Answers (Q&A)

We'll be having a round table discussion about any rental real estate topics.
This meeting is a great opportunity for attendees to learn from each other's experiences.
Bring your questions about emotional support animals, lead paint, security deposits, rental assistance, or anything real estate related.

Attendees are welcome to share their own experiences, warnings, pearls of wisdom, and more.
Participation is not required, you're welcome to come and just listen.

This event will be moderated by volunteers and/or staff with significant and compliant rental experience. We will not have an attorney present. We can talk about what the law says, but we cannot give legal advice particular to your situation.

People sitting around a table having a conversation.
We'll be having a free-flowing conversation. Ask us anything related to operating or investing in rental housing!

"No Sales Pitch" Guarantee

MassLandlords offers attendees of directly managed events a "No Sales Pitch" guarantee. If a guest speaker offers services, their presentation will not discuss pricing, promotions, or reasons why you should hire them. We do not permit speakers to pay for or sponsor events. Guest speakers are chosen for their expertise and willingness to present helpful educational content. Your purchase of an event ticket sustains our nonprofit model.

Training Options

This Course may given in-person or virtually and at various times. Make sure the time and venue you pick matches your schedule. It's the same curriculum whichever option you choose.

Purchase your ticket in just a few clicks!

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