The 335 pages of the United States CARES Act went into effect on March 27, 2020 and immediately changed the eviction process
in Massachusetts as well as triggered distribution of economic relief to many renters and some landlords.
First, we will review the relief package. Who is eligible for the new federal unemployment? What is the process
to receive federal unemployment? Are you or your renters eligible if state unemployment doesn't cover you?
Who will be getting a stimulus check? And can you find out which of your renters are covered and which have slipped
through the cracks?
Second, we will review the eviction moratorium, change to late fees, and the change to notice requirements. We will clarify
exactly who is covered and who is not. Then we will overlay state law and see who else is impacted by recent changes to
nonpayment process.
This webinar will be given by Attorney Peter Vickery, MassLandlords Legislative Affairs Counsel, of Amherst,
and Attorney Jordana Roubicek Greenman, of Boston and Watertown.
Attorney Jordana Roubicek GreenmanLegislative Affairs Counsel and Attorney Peter Vickery
Wednesday, April 22nd
12:00pm Webinar Begins
1:15pm Webinar Ends (this webinar may run late to 1:30)
Open to the public. Membership is not required!
Public: $6
Members: $3
Upon purchasing, you will be registered. A password for the webinar will be sent day-of.
Registrants will also have full access to the recording to watch or rewatch any time after the webinar is completed.
Watch Live (on April 22nd, 2020 12:00PM EST):
When: Apr 22, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: CARES Act
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
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The webinar counts for continuing education credit for Certified Massachusetts Landlord Level Three.
3 Responses to Webinar Wed April 22: Eviction Moratorium, Stimulus from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
Kim Oler says:
I am a member of MassLandlords. I have tried to sign up for this April 22nd webinar but the box to click for member sign-up does not work. Pls advise. I will also need instructions how to send payment.
My Email is
Thank you.
Jillian Campayno says:
Hi Kim, I’m sorry you are having problems. I’m going to email you from Look for it shortly!
Marvin L says:
I paid the $6, and I could not get in, by heaven or by earth.
Your organization is disappointing to me.
Marvin Lainer
I am a member of MassLandlords. I have tried to sign up for this April 22nd webinar but the box to click for member sign-up does not work. Pls advise. I will also need instructions how to send payment.
My Email is
Thank you.
Hi Kim, I’m sorry you are having problems. I’m going to email you from Look for it shortly!
I paid the $6, and I could not get in, by heaven or by earth.
Your organization is disappointing to me.
Marvin Lainer