- What's the difference between a court filing and a forced move-out?
- Where are the official eviction data?
- Why is MassLandlords producing weekly reports?
- Are eviction filings more or less frequent than before the pandemic?
- Are forced move-outs happening?
- Why are renters being taken to court?
- What kinds of households are being filed against?
- What kinds of landlords are going to court?
- What can we say about discrepancies in representation rates?
- What is "housing crisis" normal?
- What can we say about total and average arrears?
- What has state and federal government done that is helping?
- Is there more to do?
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- 12:00pm Webinar Begins
- 1:00pm Webinar Ends
This webinar is Open to the public. Membership is not required!Webinar Details (hosted by Zoom)
We will share our video, audio, and computer screen and slides.- You can chat questions. You will not be on video or audio.
Watch Live (on January 22, 2020 12:00 PM):
Topic: Massachusetts COVID Eviction Filings Webinar Jan 22
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ks-do_0NSomS5XbwjZ8bqg After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.Watch Recording (after January 25, 2020):
Recording Link: https://masslandlords.net/policy/eviction-data/ This event will be recorded. Video, slides and handouts if any will be uploaded to our page on Massachusetts Eviction Data and Housing Court Statistics.Click here to register for this webinar (Free)
The webinar counts for continuing education credit for Certified Massachusetts Landlord Level Three. Beep in. Leave feedback/beep out. Google calendar users: add our event calendar to your own. iPhone & iPad users: add our event calendar to iCal.v1