Find out what happened at the State House hearing on eviction sealing held May 9, 2023.
Massachusetts law says retail establishments cannot refuse to take cash, but can landlords require other methods of payment?
Nearly all states make their House and Senate subject to open meeting laws. Massachusetts is among the few that refuses that level of transparency.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for May 2023 reminds us of the new sanitary code and looks at policy and operational developments from April.
Chapter 257 of the Acts of 2020 tripled summary process duration while we waited for rental assistance. Now the legislature aims to bring it back.
Animals such as cats, dogs and rabbits must be accepted as support animals, but landlords need not allow more exotic animals without cause.
Massachusetts municipalities are not allowed to put bans on specific dog breeds like pit bulls, but landlords may still have breed restrictions.
There’s never a good time for a fire. Each summer we remind readers to talk to your renters about fire prevention.
Massachusetts has 25,000+ triple-deckers. We seek your thoughts on affordable ways to convert these historic-but-inefficient residences for geothermal energy.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for April 2023 looks back on lots of rent control activity in March, and a little bit of better rental housing in spite of it.